Filed under: News, Politics, Race and Civil Rights

Cornel West and Tavis Smiley are two of the coolest brothers on the intellectual block. They've served as public road maps for the empowerment of black men everywhere, and their work does not get the recognition it deserves.
Well, Public Radio International is working to help change that by granting Smiley and West their own radio show. In fact, the show is going to be called "Smiley & West."
The announcement for the new show was made during the Public Radio Programming Conference, held in Denver, Colorado. When asked about the show, Smiley had this to say:
"Dr. West is a long-time friend and I am honored that he has agreed to go on this journey with me. This new venture, Smiley & West, will not only set the pace for tomorrow's news but will be a conduit for the insightful conversation that America is thirsting for. I'm excited that alongside one of America's greatest thinkers, we will encourage, enlighten and empower the listeners together."
The show will be an hour long and air once a week. The two hosts will feature the latest news and calls from listeners. They will also bring in special guests. Professor West, who teaches at Princeton, said this:
"Many of America's most important discussions aren't necessarily happening in the boardroom or between the pundits on cable television. Rather they're happening at BBQs, cocktail parties, barbershops, and salons between real people. With this new endeavor, Smiley & West, Tavis and I hope to really tap into the concerns of everyday people."
I look forward to checking out the show. I love listening to both Tavis and Cornel, for they possess far more media savvy, swag and charisma than I could ever have. West has a cool inflection in his voice, like a jazz singer whispering to the front row of a church. Tavis is a very polished and respected leader who is genuinely concerned about the education and enlightenment of black folks. They deserve to have a show together, and the show is going to work.
One other thing that West and Smiley possess is a massive following among liberal whites. By being able to break in to the lucrative opportunities presented by the white liberal media, West and Smiley are able to reach a broad and progressive audience. The challenge for Smiley is that he has, at times, been caught in the trappings of corporate money and political loyalties. His affiliations with accused predatory lender Wells Fargo and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton put him in situations that made it appear, to some, that Smiley was being force to compromise his values. He has also come off a bit self-righteous at times, like when hecondemned other black leaders for choosing to work with President Barack Obama instead of condemning him out of the gate. I personally wonder if Smiley ever had a reason to want Barack Obama to become successful.
By sticking with Tavis when he was down, Cornel West showed himself to be the loyal brother that he is. Even as Smiley was ostracized for his attacks on President Obama, West stood by his side. Also, when Smiley fell out with Tom Joyner, West remained loyal. The genuine friendship between Smiley and West has come to characterize a generation in black America, and this show is a natural reflection of that reality. I certainly wish them the best.