Filed under: News, Politics, President Obama

President Obama ripped Democratic voters even as he set off to beg them to save his Congress in November.
"People need to shake off this lethargy. People need to buck up," Obama told Rolling Stone magazine in an interview published online Wednesday.
"It is inexcusable for any Democrat or progressive right now to stand on the sidelines in this midterm election," Obama said.
Excerpts from the interview came out as Obama embarked on a four-state campaign swing to campuses and backyards aimed at relighting the progressive fires under young voters who helped propel him to the Oval Office.
The White House whine about the enthusiasm gap between Democrats and Republicans came on the heels of polls showing the Republicans are poised to take back the House in November and make major gains in the Senate.

Kevin Eason is a freelance editorial cartoonist and Illustrator from New Jersey. His brand of satire covers news events in politics, entertainment, sports and much more. Follow him on Facebook.