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Dr. Boyce Video: What's Wrong With Hip Hop?


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I'm a huge fan of hip hop music. In fact, I didn't even start to like music until hip hop came along. I will continue to be a fan of hip hop music, but as a black scholar, I feel that part of my job is to ask questions that we may need to answer as a society.

The question for today is, "What's wrong with hip hop music?" Perhaps the question I've asked is presumptuous, since many of us don't see a problem at all. I've sat in the car for hours with my teenage daughters, listening to one song after another, each of them returning to basically the same themes: Money, sex, weapons or drugs.

One thing that must be made clear is that there's a difference between hip hop music as an art form vs. the commercialized version of hip hop that we hear on the radio. The difference is like comparing authentic Italian pizza to what you get from Dominoes. When something works well in the black community, corporate America commercializes and redistributes it, thus taking over that which once belonged to us. The dearth of black owned companies in the music industry only makes the problem worse, since we end up being marketed a product that doesn't reflect the interests of our community. The final result is that our kids are being brainwashed with repetitive mantras of self-destruction, where the most vocally-talented boot legs are boosted to iconic and influential status. Lil Wayne, do you hear me?

I don't mean to pic on Lil Weezy, but I have to tell the truth. While I am one who can always appreciate even the most peculiar forms of hip hop, it's hard to see value in music where we ask the audience to repeat the phrase "I wish I could f*ck every girl in the world," especially in a community where HIV is killing thousands of black people every single year. Hip hop should be called "hip-nosis" because when you repeat a phrase in your head over and over again, it ultimately affects your subconscious in ways that control nearly everything you do. Hence, my problem with Weezy. I am hopeful that one day, he will use the massive power he's been given in a more socially-responsible way.

The panel that we've provided to discuss this topic was amazing. Chuck Creekmur is the founder of AllHipHop.com, the leading hip hop website in the world. Ayinde Jean-Baptiste is a speaker and activist with the 21st Century Foundation. Datwon Thomas is the Editorial Director at Vibe Magazine. Jewel Allison is an activist, spoken word artist,and author of the book, "Stealing Peace." Queon Martin is the creator of the documentary, "Bridging the Gap Between History and Hip Hop." I hope you enjoy the show.

Dr. Boyce Watkins is the founder of the Your Black World Coalition and a Scholarship in Action Resident of the Institute for Black Public Policy. To have Dr. Boyce commentary delivered to your email, please click here.


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Turn off the Technology and Turn on Each Other


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Are you living a high tech lifestyle? Are you plugged into the internet 24/7? Do you update your Facebook status several times a day? Must you tweet your every move? Has your BlackBerry become an extension of your arm? Do you blame work every time you take a hit of tech speed? With the lack of boundaries placed upon our relationships with our gadgets, it seems that our relationships with real people are suffering. Fifty percent percent of first marriages, 67percent of second and 74 percent of third marriages end in divorce. In a country that prides itself on the principles of family values, these are ominous statistics.

In an era in which we are all so plugged in, why are we disconnecting from those we are supposed to be closest to?Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, but when we plug into tech, we unplug from those around us. How many times have you asked a loved one a question while they're on the computer, and after waiting 10-15 seconds received a "What did you say?" How many dinners or lunches have you sat through and had more conversation with the person you're texting than the one sitting in front of you? How many hours have you tuned out watching mindless TV in order to escape from the stresses of daily life? How many blisters and calluses have you accrued on your hands from hours of gaming? As a nation we have become complacent in our relationships, and it is this lack of bonding time and connection that leads to broken relationships.

It's time to do a test to see just how disconnected you are from the people closest to you. Add up all the time you spend on the phone (texting and talking), on the computer (working and playing) and in front of the TV (watching and gaming), over the course of three days. Now compare that to how much time you spend with your significant other (not including sleep hours) over the course of those three days. For most of you this will be a sobering realization of how little time, work and effort you put into maintaining a healthy and loving relationship.

It's time to set boundaries and re-evaluate your love values. When was the last time you had a date night and focused solely on your partner? When was the last time you made love? How long has it been since you had a conversation that didn't focus on work, the kids and your schedule? If you value your relationship, and want to spend your life with someone special, then turn off the tech. No more laptops, cell phones, TV's, Wii's, Play Stations, or any other gadgets or doodads in the bedroom. Turn your love nest into a no-tech zone, and focus on reconnecting with sensuality, intimacy and sexuality. If you want to keep the flame burning bright in your relationship, then the only surfing you should be doing is body surfing.

Rebecca Brody is a Relationship Coach in NYC. For love advice go to www.TheLuvCoach.com, or follow her on twitter @LuvCoach. Are you searching for the love of your life? Join Coach Brody for Improv Speed Dating- ImprovDates.com.


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Man Pimps His Stepdaughter — After Molesting Her‎

Man pimps his stepdaughter -- after molesting her‎

James Howard Johnson (pictured), who molested and pimped out his stepdaughter from a minor until well in to her teens, was convicted this week on 17 felony counts, ranging from rape to child molestation to pimping and pandering. A Georgia, Fulton County, judge handed the 49-year-old three consecutive life terms in prison plus 87 years.

Johnson began sexually abusing his stepdaughter back in 2000, when she was 7 years old.

When the child became a teen, he began holding sex parties in his Atlanta home, where he would pimp the young girl out to men for money. Court records indicate that Johnson forced the child to drink liquor and take the drug ecstasy in order to enhance her sexual prowess with male strangers. Johnson would also have the child solicit men via sex chat lines. The child was also forced to recruit her male friends and have them join in the parties.

The child's mother, who is Johnson's ex-wife, and his current girlfriend testified in court that he also prostituted them as well.

After being sexually tortured for seven years, the teen in question ran away to an aunt who lives in Missouri. The young girl recounted her horror story to the relative who immediately notified the authorities.

Johnson was arrested in 2008 by the Atlanta police.

While the the young lady's identity is still being withheld, at 18 years old she graduated from high school with honors and received a scholarship. She is now attending a private university.

According to the district attorney's office, there will be further prosecutions down the pike with regards to this case. Investigators are still working on finding out the names of the men who attended the sex parties held by Johnson.


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Confused Christmas Bombing Suspect Fires Attorneys


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'Underwear bomber' Umar Abdulmutallab dismisses lawyers

It's starting to look as though the trial of the would-be Christmas Day bomber could resemble a legal circus.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (pictured), the Nigerian man charged with attempting to blow up an international flight on Christmas, suddenly fired his attorneys without providing any explanation.

Abdulmutallab then asked the judge presiding over the case, "If I want to plead guilty to some counts...basically, how would that go?"

It sounds like Abdulmutallab, 24, is a very scared, very confused young man who might be making the second biggest mistake in his life (he made the biggest one on Christmas Day) by trying to represent himself in this case.

'Underwear bomber' Umar Abdulmutallab dismisses lawyersEven U.S. District Judge Nancy Edmunds told the suspect his decision was "unwise." She probably would have liked to jump down from the bench with her gavel in hand and beat Abdulmutallab over the head to get through his thick skull. But that probably wouldn't have worked either.

Abdulmutallab was able to detonate a device hidden in his underwear that sparked a flame aboard the plane. Alert passengers jumped on the suspect and subdued him until an emergency landing was completed.

Abdulmutallab told investigators he received training and instructions from al-Qaida in Yemen.

With the next court hearing scheduled for Oct. 14th, Detroit defense lawyer David Steingold summed up what most people are thinking:

"It's hard to understand what he's thinking," Steingold said.


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Jada Pinkett Smith's 'Hawthorne' TV Series To Return For Third Season


TNT has renewed a third season of the powerful medical drama 'Hawthorne,' starring and executive-produced by Jada Pinkett Smith.

The cable channel has ordered 10 new episodes of the hit series, which is slated to return in 2011.

The show premiere in the summer of 2009 and ranked as one of ad-supported cable's Top 5 new series of the year. In its second season, the series continued its success, averaging 3.7 million viewers and ranking as ad-supported cable's #1 Tuesday program among women 25-54.

'Hawthorne' stars Pinkett Smith as Christina Hawthorne, an impassioned Chief Nursing Officer struggling to whip a failing hospital - and her personal life - into shape. Michael Vartan co-stars as Dr. Tom Wakefield, who has a complicated personal relationship with Christina. The series also stars Suleka Mathew, David Julian Hirsh, Christina Moore, Vanessa Lengies, and Hannah Hodson.


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Miss. Gov. Considers Pardon for 2 Serving Life for $11 Robbery


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NAACP backs pardon for 2 serving life for $11 robbery

The case of two sisters sentenced to life in prison for a robbery that netted $11 is the reason this country has more prisoners than any other in the world.

Jamie and Gladys Scott were 20 and 19 years old, respectively, when they lured two men down a road in central Mississippi
in 1993. Three teenagers then struck the men in the head with a shotgun and stole their wallets. The three teens made plea deals and only served several months in prison.

The Scotts, though, were convicted of robbery with a deadly weapon and have been in prison ever since.

The NAACP is calling for
Gov. Haley Barbour to issue a pardon, especially since Jamie Scott may be gravely ill because of kidney problems.

"We're looking for the governor to be a humane person in the situation. It is a hideous event in the history of Mississippi," Ben Jealous, president of the NAACP, told the AP.

Barbour's office is meeting with Scotts' lawyers; however, no decision will be made until the parole board issues a recommendation.

On Wednesday, hundreds marched to demand the release of the sisters.

Barbour should be running
as fast as his legs will carry him to sign a pardon for these women. The fact that they are still in prison almost 20 years later makes Mississippi look like the most backward state in the union and only makes this country look cruel and inhumane.

Former Assistant District Attorney Mark Duncan has this to say about the Scotts' case:

"My position on this is they were tried and found guilty and sentenced by a jury. I don't know what else there is to say about it."

I say that Duncan needs to learn compassion. In this case, the penalty simply does not fit the crime. The people who wielded the deadly weapon only served a few months. In some places, the Scotts might have been sent to a facility for juvenile or youthful offenders.

"Regardless of what happens, there's no way that the crime fits the time. Nobody was hurt and only a meager amount of money was taken," said Choke Lumumba, an attorney for the Scotts.

In 2008, more than 2.3 million people were imprisoned. A total of 7.3 million people were in prison or jail on probation or parole, which is more than 3 percent of the U.S. population. The United States also has the highest juvenile incarceration rate in the world.

How can we lecture other countries about human rights and women's rights, when we are locking away millions of Americans, with more than 70 percent of them minorities, for unjust stretches of time?

Prison populations are starting to decline now, but that's partially because states and the federal government are trying to save money.

The goal with the Scotts should have been to show them how serious their crime was and then provide the tools to help the young women recover from their poor decision to be involved in a robbery.

Instead, we threw the book at them without a second thought. Both women had children who were forced to grow up without their mothers. That's not justice. That's cruelty.

"It won't make sense if he doesn't pardon Jamie and Gladys," Lumumba said.


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Omarosa Wants to Tie the Knot With New Boyfriend


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From PopEater
: Although Omarosa was one tough chick in the 'Apprentice' boardroom, she's got a soft spot for her new beau, 'Green Mile' actor Michael Clarke Duncan. Arriving hand-in-hand at In Touch Weekly's "Icons and Idols" party at Bar Marmont in West Hollywood, Calif., on Sunday night, the pair could barely keep their paws off one another. Duncan kept her very close to his side all night, gushing to onlookers, "That's my girl." A friend close to the couple tells PopEater that although they just started dating this year, Omarosa is ready to get hitched and believes he's "the one."

See what else Omarosa has to say @ PopEater


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If You Want to Leave Flowers at Michael Jackson's Burial Site It will Cost You

Cemetery Charges Fans at Michael Jackson's Grave‎

Since Michael Jackson was laid to rest last year, countless fans have been leaving gifts in his memory at the Forest Lawn Cemetery. People gather every day outside the California cemetery to leave mementos for the pop icon, whose career spanned nearly five decades.

The burial site's designated area for Jackson's mementos is so overrun with stuff that has accumulated, that the administrators have put in place a schedule, whereas the pop icon's gifts will be discarded after a certain time. As far as flowers for Jackson are concerned, if you want to leave them, you can, but it will cost you. Not only will you have to buy them at the cemetery's flower shop but a charge of $3 will be added to have them delivered to his mausoleum.

The fee to send a floral arrangement holds true for everyone buried at Forest Lawn according to their spokesperson. In Jackson's case, the arrangement will be taken inside his mausoleum; fans still aren't allowed to enter the sanctuary.

From now on, if you want to leave anything besides flowers (pictures, candles, cards, figurines) for Jackson, you can rest assured that they will get dumped, so you might want to think twice! Once the space inside the mausoleum runs out and flowers can no longer be left, they will get placed outside of the structure, then dumped.

Talk about trying to make a buck!


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Young Women Stage 'Fashion in Action!' Demonstration at New York Fashion Week


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From Clutch Magazine: On September 9, the opening day of New York Fashion Week, a group of young Black women staged a silent demonstration. The 20-something ladies wanted to acknowledge the first time in their lifetimes that Essence magazine- a formidable Black women's print beloved by scores Black girls for 40 years-does not have a Black fashion director. The group of professional and educated women, many of whom are fashion and media insiders also stood in protest of the added fact, there are no Black fashion directors at any mainstream fashion or lifestyle publication.

Dressed in all black, the walkers carried signs of every fashion director in Essence magazine's 40 year-old history. Large signs in bold font read "I Am Susan Taylor," "I Am Kevin Stewart," "I Am Harriette Cole." Signs also read simply, "I Am A Black Fashion Director." The demonstration was informed by the iconic 1968 "I Am A Man" march.

See What the Response Was and Firsthand Accounts of the Protest @ Clutch Magazine


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The 20 Hottest Black Men To See On TV This Fall


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This fall, the major television networks have stepped up their game by casting handsome black men in a slew of new shows.

From veteran actors like Terrence Howard on the new Los Angeles 'Law & Order' and Blair Underwood on 'The Event' to sexy newcomers like Mehcad Brooks in 'My Generation' and James Lesure in 'Mr. Sunshine,' there's eye candy for everyone.

Blackvoices.com gives you our picks of the Hottest Black Men to Watch on TV this fall.

Mehcad Brooks
Show: 'My Generation' on ABC
Premiering: Sept. 23
Where We Know Him From: He was a scene stealer on 'The Game,' 'Desperate Housewives' and most recently 'True Blood,' but the Austin, Texas native's sex appeal drives us wild.
Why We Think He's Hot: This Calvin Klein underwear model has consistently impressed us with his hunky small-screen presence, so much so that we're not surprised he was chosen to play the show's former jock who heads off to war on 'My Generation.'

Blair Underwood
Show: 'The Event' on NBC
Premiering: Sept. 20
Where We Know Him From: This chocolate heartthrob got his start on 'L.A. Law' and in the cult hop-hop classic 'Krush Groove.'
Why We Think He's Hot: We've been dying to see the NAACP Image Award winner running the show, and he's sure to show us who's boss when he plays Mr. President on 'The Event.'

Terrence Howard
Show: 'Law & Order: Los Angeles' on NBC
Premiering: Sept. 29
Where We Know Him From: Since bursting on the scene as the sexy troublemaker Quentin in 'The Best Man,' the Chicago native starred in countless acclaimed films, most notably 'Hustle & Flow,' which earned him an Academy Award nomination.
Why We Think He's Hot: Though he's made us love and hate him on the big screen, we're looking forward to seeing him weekly as Deputy District Attorney Jonah "Joe" Dekker.

Morris Chestnut
Show: 'V' on ABC
Premiering: November 2010
Where Do We Know Him From: He played the beloved character Ricky Bell, who was tragically shot and killed in the 1992 John Singleton flick 'Boyz N The Hood.' Chestnut also starred in 'The Best Man,' 'Half Past Dead,' 'Two Can Play That Game' and 'Not Easily Broken.'
Why We Think He's Hot: It's been two decades since he burst on the scene but we still get joy from watching this lovable, strong black man on any screen and seeing him as Ryan Nichols on 'V' fighting for a life with his fiancé is a great new role for the California native.

Boris Kodjoe
Show: 'Undercovers' on NBC
Premiering: Sept. 22
Where We Know Him From: The Austria-born hunk made us swoon when he played the sexy Fed-Ex guy Damon Carter on the hit Showtime drama 'Soul Food.'
Why We Think He's Hot: Playing Steven Bloom, one-half of a gorgeous husband and wife spy duo, shouldn't be hard for this devoted family man, who hasn't aged a day since he first landed on the scene.


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Dr. Boyce Video -- 'Raised by The Mistress,' Part 1


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One of the most interesting things about black people is that we are able to build love in some of the strangest situations. I had a friend who introduced me to her "grandmother." Now, although I thought this woman was actually a relative, she was not. She never married or had a child with my friend's actual grandfather. Instead, she'd had a long-term affair with my friend's grandfather and simply took care of his kids as her own. The man had a relationship with his wife and an even more meaningful relationship with the mistress, and everyone accepted this as a default state of being.

While the adults might be comfortable with what some would define to be an uncomfortable situation, no one ever really asks the kids what they think. The parents do their dirt for years, thinking that the kids are too young to understand what's going on, then two decades later, the questions start coming. That's when parents either find out that their kids understood more than they were letting on, or that their children's perception of reality was quite different from that of either parent.

Jamilah Creekmur is one of those children. Creekmur is the author of the book, "Raised by the Mistress," in which she discusses her experience as the child of a woman who had a long-term relationship with a married man. The book is a telling and intriguing account of how she, as a little girl, processed the presence of the man who had no legitimate reason to be in her mother's home. She also talks about how she confronted her mother on these matters years down the road.

Please enjoy the interview.

Dr. Boyce Watkins is the founder of the Your Black World Coalition and a Scholarship in Action Resident of the Institute for Black Public Policy. To have Dr. Boyce commentary delivered to your email, please click here.


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Did Woman Pour Acid On Her Face and Say a Black Woman Did It?


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Bethany Storro was once the target of the nation's sympathy. She is slowly becoming the target of the nation's suspicion. The 28-year old Storro, who is deaf, said that she was the victim of a random attack. According to Storro, a young black woman came up to her and said, "Hey, pretty girl," before throwing a cup of acid into her face.

The attack on Storro, which allegedly took place on August 30, grabbed international headlines. She was even scheduled to appear on the Oprah Winfrey Show. That's when reporters started asking a lot of questions.

According to Storro, the injuries to her nose and face did not affect her eyesight because she was wearing sunglasses. But one reporter asked her why she was wearing sunglasses when it was nearly sunset. The reporter also asked how Storro could hear what the woman was saying when she is deaf.

The suspicions of the reporter were accelerated by the fact that many of the homeless people in the park on the night Storro was attacked said that she was all alone when she fell to the ground screaming. While the incident is still under investigation, it is known that Storro did cancel her scheduled appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show without giving producers a reason for her decision.

On her Facebook page, Storro simply said she cancelled her appearance on Oprah because "The show was going to possibly turn into another direction, so my family and I decided not to go on".

One must sincerely hope that the reports that Storro is making this up are untrue. If it were the case that Storro did indeed fabricate the incident, there is obvious reason for concern. We would also be reminded of the irony in the fact that when many people have lied about being attacked in the past, they were quick to suspect that a black man or black woman did it. Susan Smith, the woman who drown her two children, blamed it on a black man. There was also the famous incident in Boston nearly 20 years ago, when a man killed his pregnant wife and said that a black man did it. Finally, there was the really interesting case where a woman said she'd been kidnapped by a black man, when the truth was that she'd run off to Disney World. The world is a crazy place.

Clearly these accusations link to racial profiling statistics by police. African Americans are more likely to be suspected of crimes, and are therefore more likely to be searched, arrested and incarcerated for crimes, even when they didn't commit them. This is the nature of America and the nation we've been for the past 400 years. Things aren't going to change anytime soon.

Dr. Boyce Watkins is the founder of the Your Black World Coalition and a Scholarship in Action Resident of the Institute for Black Public Policy. To have Dr. Boyce commentary delivered to your email, please click here.


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'Devil' Film Review: A Roller Coast Ride Of Hits And Misses


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Despite the fact that the film is flawed and produced by M. Night Shyamalan, whose name gets booed whenever the trailer is shown in theaters, 'Devil' is still a creepy, sit-on-the-edge-of-your-seat horror film.

Shyamalan, who has been ripped by critics and audiences for jerking them around with 'twist' films like 'The Village,' 'Lady in the Water,' 'The Happening,' and most recently the live-action adaptation of 'The Last Airbender,' had the good sense of handling the filming to other guys who can craft an entertaining horror flick.

Based on his original story, the film was written by Brian Nelson, and directed by brothers Drew Dowdle and John Erick Dowdle. Together, they recently wrote and helmed other horror films such as 'The Poughkeepsie Tapes' and 'Quarantine,' a remake of the Spanish horror film 'REC.'

The premise of the film is very simple. Strange things occur when five individuals are trapped in an elevator in a Philadelphia office tower.

Ben (played by Bokeem Woodbine) is a temporary security guard on his first day on the job. Tony (played by Logan Marshall-Green) was coming into the building for a job interview. Vince (played by Geoffrey Arend) is a mattress salesman looking to land new clients. The other two are women, Sarah (played by Bojana Novakovic) and an older woman (played by Jenny O'Hara); both whose backgrounds aren't mentioned, but Sarah's appearance leads one to believe that she works for a company in the building.

Stuck somewhere around the 21st floor, the trapped individuals are being watched on the monitor by building security men Lustig (played by Matt Craven) and Ramirez (played by Jacob Vargas). Due to an earlier incident where window glass from a higher office spilled on the ground level, detective Bowden (played by Chris Messina) was already on the scene and offered his services to bring the group to safety.

As the lights start to flicker on and off in the elevator, one by one, someone gets attacked and Ramirez, holding on to his cross on his neck, believes this could only be the sign of one thing.

First off, with its PG-13 rating, don't go expecting lots of gore and violence. Most of what happens occurs in the dark, and for some time, the filmmakers do a good job in keeping the audience from predicting who is behind these attacks and why.

Once we get into the supernatural element of the film, that's where the house of cards start to fall as the final act becomes an ultimate disappointment with no thrills and moments to remember.

To be fair, the Dowdle brothers do what's necessary to lure you in and give you a dose of excitement for the horror genre fans. All of the characters are one note and waiting their time to be dealt with as desperation to get out increases.

Overall, 'Devil' is a roller coast ride of hits and misses, and unfortunately, with Shyamalan's fan appeal at basement level these days, the filmmakers' efforts will not be recognized.


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Mariah Carey to Launch Lifestyle Collection Exclusively with HSN


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Mariah Carey can officially be added to the endless list of celebrity designers. The powerhouse diva will be debuting her own lifestyle collection exclusively on the HSN network later this fall. The line will include jewelry, butterfly inspired pieces, footwear, a limited edition of her Luscious Pink fragrance as well as a personal letter from the singer. Prices range from $69.00 to $169.00 for shoes and $39.00 to $199.95 for jewelry and other items.

If you're interested in copping a few items from the line, you'll have to be patient. Carey's collection won't be available until November 29 on HSN and hsn.com. Hopefully by then we'll be able to determine if the pregnancy rumors are true or not.


Mariah Carey Fashion Transformation

    The year was 1990, the year of the smash-hit debut from a little-known woman: 'Mariah Carey.' A kid from Long Island with the ability to captivate audiences with a voice spanning octaves, she looked very much the simple girl here. Naturally curly hair and tawny skin give a hint of her multi-cultural heritage. Mariah's tank dress indicates her unvarnished sense of style.

    Paul Natkin, WireImage.com

    After the release of Mariah's follow-up opus 'Emotions' (1991), Carey kept it safe on the fashion front. This red carpet-ready frock shows off her petite frame to perfection, but makes her look more the child-woman than the growing star. She experimented with her hair just a touch, throwing up her mane into a simple updo. Otherwise Carey's style remained unchanged by fame.

    Ron Galella, WireImage.com

    After her marriage to label head Tommy Mottola ended in divorce in 1997, Mariah Carey moved rapidly from little woman to sexy siren. She began with a total revamp of that hair, rocking straight looks with aplomb.

    KMazur, WireImage.com

    Here is another straight look experiment, unfortunately gone wrong. Thankfully, this puffy bouffant embellishment will not appear again. But there goes that tank dress again!

    After leaving Tommy Mottola, Mariah revolutionized her look and her music. Carey's 1997 album 'Butterfly' saw the international pop sensation move with confidence into urban music. She also began a trend of belly-bearing outfits. Did her hip-hop collaborators, including the then-named Puff Daddy, inspire her to bear all?


    The early 2000s saw Carey working fleshy exposure to the max. At the Divas 2000 Tribute to Diana Ross in New York City, she kept it casual and sultry in jeans and a skin-revealing butterfly top.

    Jim Spellman, WireImage.com

    Perhaps in a moment of fashion confusion, Mariah lets it all hang out in a bra and men's jacket for the 2001 VH1 Vogue Fashion Awards. Only Madonna can bend genders well. The failure of this outfit proves that Mariah is clearly a girly girl. She will engage in a struggle to find a non-childish version of her shimmering style.

    Kevin Kane, WireImage.com

    In an attempt to balance girly/feminine with mature/stylish, Mariah gives us this all-white couture ensemble. While this is an improvement over Mariah's earlier attempts at working the red carpet, she is reveling too much in sequins, satin, spangles and fur. Her hair is almost devoid of life. She has come a long way. But does she look good?

    David Westing, Getty Images

    More spangles. More sparkle. More flash. Loose and feminine waves frame Mariah's face, with her bosom on display for maximum exposure. A matronly Lolita who has bedazzled her mom's evening clothes, Carey comes off as a teen-MILF. Her décolletage has become her favorite fashion accessory.

    Jemal Countess, WireImage.com

    Carey's Halloween costume one year demonstrated that she was still too much in touch with her inner girl. Her wild hair spreading from her head like fire is a relapse to her early 'dos. This make-up must have come from the Wet-n-Wild counter at the convenience store. Only a twelve-year-old can pull this off.



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Michelle Obama Says Being First Lady is 'Hell'?


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Michelle Obama
said what now?

The French government denies the claim in a biography written about its first lady, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, that Michelle Obama called being first lady of the United States "hell."

"Mrs. Bruni-Sarkozy distances herself completely from the content of the book 'Carla and the Ambitious,'" French Embassy spokesman Emmanuel Lenain told CBS News. "The words attributed to the first lady of the United States were never said."

In a conversation with the Daily News, Lenain called the bio "unauthorized" and said Bruni was not involved with writing it.
The White House has also denied the first lady ever made such a statement.

According to the Daily Mail report, which initially claimed Bruni participated in writing the book with authors Michael Darmon and Yves Derai, the biography claims Bruni had a private conversation with Mrs. Obama at the White House in March in which she asked what she felt about being the first lady.

"Don't ask! It's hell. I can't stand it!" the book alleges Mrs. Obama told Bruni.

Source: New York Daily News

Kevin Eason is a freelance editorial cartoonist and illustrator from New Jersey. His brand of satire covers news events in politics, entertainment, sports and much more. Follow him on Facebook.


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Tracy Morgan On Board for Comedy Central Autism Special


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Comedy Central is doing what it does best, showcasing the best comedians in the country.

For a special event, however, the cable network will pool its talent resources for a great cause.

Tracy Morgan was just announced as a performer for 'Night of Too Many Stars: An Overbooked Concert for Autism Education,' taking place next month. The '30 Rock' star, who made a name for himself on 'Saturday Night Live,' will join a host of other big-name acts.

Portions of the charity special will be taped at New York City's Beacon Theatre on Oct. 2 and will also include appearances from Chris Rock, Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Jimmy Fallon, Sarah Silverman and many others.

Kicking off the night's musical tunes will be Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings. The Brooklyn-based soul band will perform songs throughout the evening as the special's host band.

The show will air Oct. 29 at 9 p.m. ET. Celebrities will man the phones in Los Angeles, and viewers can call in and donate while speaking to some of their favorite comedians.

Comedy Central is aiming to make 'Night of Too Many Stars' a benefit for autistic children and adults.


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Black Farmer Takes Discrimination Settlement Fight, Tractor to Capitol Hill


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First, John Boyd Jr. brought his mule named Struggle to New York City to pressure senators to fund the settlement of a discrimination lawsuit filed by black farmers. Now, he's driving up and down Capitol Hill on a tractor called Justice.

Either way, Boyd, president of the National Black Farmers Association and a Virginia farmer, says he won't stop until black farmers receive a $1.25 billion discrimination settlement promised to them by the federal government. He says he will make the ride from Virginia to Capitol Hill every day until the Senate session closes in October.

Boyd is applying the pressure to President Obama in the hopes that he will push the Senate to fund the discrimination settlement.

"We've been waiting for years," Boyd told CNN. "And when we entered into this settlement agreement back in February, yhe administration announced it like it was a done deal."

"They put out in the media that they were 'turning the page' at the USDA," Boyd continued. "But the bottom line is that the black farmers don't have the money."

Black farmers successfully sued the federal government and the U.S. Department of Agriculture for blatantly denying them access to low-interest loans and farm subsidies, while granting these same benefits to white farmers. When black farmers did receive loans, they were often at a rate higher than those offered to white farmers. Equipment grants and subsidies often came too late.

The federal government first settled Pigford v. Glickman in 1999, paying out more than $980 million to 16,000 farmers, but many of the black farmers who were discriminated against were not properly notified or given enough time to join the suit.

As a result, a 2007 farm bill introduced by then-Senator Obama reopened the settlement, and the $1.25-billion figure was agreed upon. However, the bill to fund the settlement has passed the House twice but failed seven times in the Senate. Boyd believes the bill is caught up in bipartisan politics and political posturing that is occurring before the November midterm elections.

Boyd has called for a vote on a stand-alone bill because previous bills have been attached to larger funding bills. Senators often tell him that they support the farm bill but objected to other spending measures.

"I decided to drive my trusty tractor here -- Justice -- all over Washington, so people can see what a real farmer looks like," Boyd told CNN.

"It's about a group of people who've proven their case in front of a court, who've won time and time again in Congress," he added. "Now we have a bill, a passed bill, and Congress should enact it. We already have a $100 million out there. Where's that at?"

Black farmers, many of whom have lost their farms or are in the process of being foreclosed upon, are dwindling by the day. Those who aren't losing their farms are dying, Boyd said.

"When you lose your farm, you don't just lose a job, you lose a way of life. You lose your family name and your standing in the community. This settlement would put money in the poorest counties in the country where these black people live," Boyd told Aol BlackVoices in a recent interview.

Obama, said Boyd, can use the bully pulpit to force a vote on the bill.

"He is the world leader. We know he is busy, and we support him, but I need help. I clearly need help in the Senate, and I think he can push the legislators there," Boyd told AOL. "It's discouraging to some people that even with a black president, we still have these problems. We want to keep him focused on the issue. I would like to sit down with him and see where he thinks he can be a little more helpful in getting this done. This thing has failed seven times, and I think we need the involvement of the president."

Obama recently called the settlement a "priority" of his administration.

Boyd said It's discouraging to see the administration provide $1.5 billion in disaster assistance to large farmers in Arkansas at the request of Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln who is in a tough re-election battle. The USDA used administrative funds, which don't require Senate approval.

Boyd thinks the president should push for something similar to be done for black farmers. In Arkansas, large farms could receive anywhere from $100,000 to $800,000 in disaster aid on top of existing subsidies. The payout to black farmers is expected to average only $50,000 per farmer. It's a sum Boyd called "half a loaf" that won't adequately compensate farmers for the magnitude of their losses but is still desperately needed.

Boyd said he may remain in Washington, D.C., until a bill is passed. He's going to ride Justice to the Supreme Court and then to the headquarters of the Republican and Democratic committees.

"Why can't we get this done if we have the support they,\ say we do among Republicans and Democrats and the president? Why are we still out here chasing our tail in the Senate, begging and pleading for leaders to do the right thing?"


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Shaquan Duley Was 'Manic' Before Killing Her Two Children, Family Says


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Mother: SC woman distraught before sons' deathsThe South Carolina mother who smothered and then drowned her two sons was in a manic state and angry after arguing with her family about the care of her children.

Shaquan Duley's family, appearing on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' on Thursday, said the argument began because Duley was angry that family members had bathed her two children. Soon she sped off with the kids.

"She was highly upset, raging, acting like a crazy person, nothing like I've ever seen her before," Helen Duley said of her daughter. "She was depressed about not having a means to take care of the children."

After Duley stormed off, the family contacted police, who spoke to her and told her to return home. Instead, police say the mother confessed to smothering her two children (Devean Duley, 2, and 18-month-old Ja'van Duley) in a hotel room and then allegedly strapped the two boys in her car and drove them into the river.

"She got the children, and she had one under each arm, and she carried them out of the house," said Duley's sister Adriane Duley. "That was the last that I saw her."

Duley's lawyer said his client, who has yet to enter a plea on two counts of murder, is eligible for the death penalty; however, Carl B. Grant said he may pursue an insanity plea for his client, who was deeply depressed before the alleged murders.

Duley was unemployed and relying on her family for financial support. She was failing online classes and upset because she had not had contact with her children's father.
Grant said she tried to commit suicide the night of the boys' deaths by taking dozens of headache medicines and trying to slit her wrists. She allegedly considered drowning herself in the car with her kids.

This was a woman who had truly reached rock bottom. Unfortunately, no one was able to reach her before she made her horrible decision.

What Duley is accused of doing is horrendous. There obviously had to be some psychological issues involved in her decision to kill her children.

However, anyone feeling at the end of his or her rope, as this mother obviously was, should reach hope that he or she will be able to reach out to someone for help. With people still losing their homes and jobs on a daily basis, there are people all around us who are susceptible to falling in to deep despair. Getting the message out that it is okay to reach out for help is the only positive thing that can come out of this terrible tragedy.

Mother: SC woman distraught before sons' deaths

Even though everyone is angry at Duley and disgusted by her terrible actions, we must accept that it is our responsibility as a society and a community to reach out to people who might be in trouble, even if they try to pretend otherwise or do not ask for help.

Duley's family, who lost their beloved nephews and grandsons, say they have forgiven Duley because of their faith in God.

"I wish the best for my daughter," Helen Duley said. "Whatever she's dealing with inside, that's between her and God, but I wish the best for my daughter."

If Shaquan Duley's family can forgive her, then so should we.


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Notable/Quotable: Lisa Wu Hartwell Breaks Down the Pressure of Reality TV


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"I'm the same person on and off camera. The pressure to remain a No. 1 show is always on the producers. Reality TV producers have an idea of where they'd like to see 'characters' go, forgetting we are real people on a reality show. They will let you know when a scene is flat, so they like to stir the pot. I get it. No one wants to watch paint dry. But there's a fine line between being energetic and performing."

Former 'Real Housewives of Atlanta' star Lisa Wu Hartwell on the pressures of succumbing to reality television (Essence).


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Father Storms Bus, Confronts Disabled Daughter's Bullies

Father Storms Bus, Confronts Disabled Daughter's Bullies, James Jones

Should James Jones be arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and disturbing a school function for protecting his disabled young daughter from heartless bullies?

Jones' daughter, who is stricken with cerebral palsy, had just started middle school in Lake Mary, Fla. According to the daughter, she had been hit, pinched and taunted. And she had unwrapped condoms thrown at her.

Now, the girl is on suicide watch at a local hospital due to the bullying by her peers.

James, who allowed his rage over his daughter's situation to get the best of him, decided to board her school bus on Sept. 3 and lash out at not only the students but at the driver as well.

According to witnesses, James, who has no prior criminal convictions, used curse words and allegedly threatened the lives of all who were onboard the bus:

"I'm going to [expletive] you up. Show me which one! Show me which one."

Police were called to the scene, and James was hauled away. He was released from jail Thursday on bond.

Reportedly, even after her father confronted her school mates, the bullying continued.

Bullying should not be taken lightly. It is hurtful, harmful behavior, and its victims tend to experience short- and- long-term effects from it; children who are bullied are tense, afraid and tend to withdraw emotionally and academically.

Parents should never be afraid to call the school to report that their child is being picked on and ask for help. In Jones' case, clearly he decided to take the situation into his own hands, resulting in his arrest.

Do you sympathize with Jones, who seems to have just been trying to protect his daughter?


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