Filed under: Around the Web

Figuratively, your wombs are on my mind, along with the wombs of the numerous other mothers who do not fit the first-comes-marriage-then-baby-in-the-carriage narrative.
The diverse experiences of Black female motherhood remain a hot topic in Black social commentary. Last week, an online viral campaign entitled "No Wedding No Womb" hit the blogosphere and Twitter community like a 2×4 appearing from the dark. Founded by relationships author and blogger Christelyn Karazin, the "movement" sparked a ton of controversy and, perhaps, some conversations that we, as a community, have become lackadaisical about having. Good or bad, it is true that approximately 70% of Black children are being born out of wedlock. From the perspective of our parent's generation, this is astonishing, yet it is a reality and something we ought to be discussing.See what Clutch Magazine has to say about this phenomenon