Filed under: Daily Drama
'The T.O. Show': Shirtless T.O. and Tyson BeckfordTerrell and his staff continue to pursue acting gigs for Terrell. Mo has set up an audition for Terrell. This time Terrell is auditioning for a play. Terrell tells Mo he is not nervous to audition live in front of several people. The confident Terrell reminds her that he is a performer and he performs live. Terrell walks into the room with the director on stage. They ask him to improvise based on a scenario. Unbeknownst to Terrell, Angie Stone inserted herself into his scene and Terrell has to play off of her. T.O. delivers. The director tells him he has a role for T.O. Mo is incredibly excited and proclaims T.O. the second coming of Denzel Washington, a title T.O. rejects.
It turns out the part that T.O. plays may be a late addition just for him to be inserted into a scene. T.O. plays one of several shirtless ball players in a scene. Before the show Tyson Beckford helps instigate developing a character name for T.O. Later Tyson refers to T.O. by that new character name. The audience seemed to enjoy the performance. Long lines formed in hopes of getting the autographs to the male leads.,
The T.O. Show, Monday, 9:30PM on VH1