Parris told WAGA-TV in Atlanta that he and Long engaged in numerous sex acts on church grounds, both before and after morning services. He also said that they would perform sex acts in Long's home, car and office at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church.
The four accusers claim that Long traded sex acts for cars, clothes and other material possessions. The sex scandal against Bishop Eddie Long seems to get just a bit deeper every single day. At this point, Long doesn't just have to worry about the ethical implications of committing adultery and being accused of engaging in homosexual sex. He also has to deal with accusations of pedophilia, since the public is not yet aware of how old the young men where when the alleged sex acts occurred.
Most damaging to Bishop Long, however, could be the consequences of using church funds to pursue his sex interests with the boys in his care. Ironically, the federal government is likely to issue a stiffer punishment for misusing its money than it is for harming another human being. There are surely some federal investigators watching this case very closely.
The peculiar nature of the alleged sexual relationships is also interesting, as it sounds from the accusers as if they had prolonged physical interaction with Bishop Long. Of even more concern is the psychological control Bishop Long had over these young men after grooming them at such an early age. The hundreds of thousands of people who've read our coverage on the topic here on AOL Black Voices are now starting to realize that you must be extremely careful when trusting your children to other people, even if the individual is rich, famous and powerful.
Bishop Eddie Long is as powerful as they come. I recall seeing him at an event in Atlanta being held by networking guru George Fraser. Long was walking with an entire entourage and being given the respect of a spiritual powerhouse. The young men and their mothers were likely intrigued by Long's power, making it an honor to be associated with him in any meaningful way.
If it is the case that Long abused his power and used it for such malicious purposes, it would be difficult to forgive him. A leader should designate himself as a servant of the people, and it takes a special spirit to be able to rise above the natural temptation to use your power to fulfill your selfish desires. I hope this trial starts soon, because if the news flashes keep coming at this rate, Eddie Long's entire reputation will soon be up in smoke. So far, he's been hit with several shotgun blasts in the media, and his team hasn't even thrown a sling shot. Maybe they'll send me an email or something soon.