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Karrine Steffans, the former video vixen turned New York Times bestselling author, is readying her next tome, 'SatisFaction: Erotic Fantasies for the Advanced and Adventurous Couple.'Slated to be released by Grand Central Publishing in Aug. 2011, Steffans' fourth book is the follow-up to her 2009 bestseller 'Vixen Manual: How to Find, Seduce and Keep the Man You Want,' which was just released in paperback last month.
The 32-year-old siren has released a video trailer to promote the forthcoming 'SatisFaction.'
"It's the first-ever book trailer mini-series. I'm looking forward to making the others," she told BV Buzz.
Having starred in the Vin Diesel film 'A Man Apart' and being the leading lady in music videos for artists like Jay-

"I'm casting in Los Angeles for a hunky love interest. I'm also looking for extras for upcoming episodes too. I'm having fun with this new concept. I love being creative," she said.
Steffans, who was recently divorced from 'Young and the Restless' star Darius McCrary, has released two additional New York Times bestsellers - 2005's 'Confessions of a Video Vixen' and 2007's 'The Vixen Diaries.'
The St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands-bred personality was recently the featured-subject of an episode of the TV One docu-series, 'Life After.'
VIDEO: Watch part one of Karrine Steffans' 'SatisFaction: Erotic Fantasies for the Advanced and Adventurous Couple' book trailer.
For related stories, read: 'Ultimate Hustler: Karrine Steffans Partners With Larry Flynt'
'End of the Road: Darius McCrary & Karrine Steffans Divorcing'
& 'Norwood Young: Infamous Hollywood Personality Penning Tell-All Memoir.'