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VIDEO: Nephew Tommy, Steve Harvey's Co-Host, Debuts New Denim Line For Plus-Sized Women


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There's no denying 'Steve Harvey Morning Show' co-host Thomas "Nephew Tommy" Miles' love for curvy, full figured women.

The dapper funnyman's deep infatuation and devotion to please plus-sized ladies has turned into his new foray into the fashion industry with his new brand called, Big Luv Denim.

The comedian-actor showcased his "high fashion" line of plus size denim jeans -- to hit stores February 2011 -- during an exclusive fashion show at this year's annual Hoodie Awards in Las Vegas.

BlackVoices.com caught up with Tommy during the event where he talked about his new-found business venture in addition to the future of Big Luv Denim.

Check out the video below.


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Sean Bell's Fiancee May Run for City Council

Sean Bell's Fiancee to Run for City Council

Nicole Paultre-Bell, the young woman who lost her unarmed, would-be husband Sean Bell on the day before their nuptials nearly four years ago in an out-of-control hail of police bullets, is mulling over possibly running for the position of Queens City Council member.

The seat of the late Councilman Thomas White, Jr. (who represented the 28th council district in Queens which incorporates Jamaica, Rochdale Village and Richmond Hill) became open when White recently died after a long illness. Reportedly, nearly a dozen candidates are scrambling for the vacant political seat.

Although the young woman has not publicly announced her plans to run for office, sources say that she is on the verge of making a decision toward hitting the campaign trail. Paultre-Bell currently lives outside of the district in Far Rockaway but is still registered to vote via her mother's house located in Suffolk County.

State election law mandates that Paultre-Bell would have to move in to the district by election day and obtain 899 registered-voter signatures on a nominating petition in order to be seriously considered as a viable candidate.

The Mother of Sean's two children has remained in the public eye since that fateful day when her fiance was killed in a 50-bullet police shooting. She has oftentimes stood side-by-side with activist Rev. Al Sharpton. The young Mom has also involved herself with the political advocacy organization headed by Sharpton, the National Action Network.

No one can predict how Paultre-Bell would make out running against more seasoned candidates. The November 2nd elections are nonpartisan with no primary, so time will tell.


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Tom Joyner Helps HBCUs to Start Online Programs


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Radio show host Tom Joyner has decided to start making investments in the educational arena. Joyner has announced that he will help found a company designed to support Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in their quest to create online and distance learning programs.

Joyner's foundation has donated quite a bit of money to HBCUs. He is also a proud advocate for these campuses, which have struggled a great deal during the recent recession. Tapping into additional revenue provided through online programs would provide a much needed boost for many black colleges and universities.

One of the things that Joyner and his team have noticed is that quite a few traditional institutions typically hoard African American students. Joyner's son, Thomas Jr., has stepped down as president of the Tom Joyner Foundation in order to become president of HBCUsOnline, the new company created for the venture.

Joyner and his son are both critical of for-profit universities, arguing that they are the wrong choice for African Americans. About 43 percent of students at for-profit universities are African American, creating a ripe market for a black-owned company to pursue. It was only a matter of time before someone of Joyner's stature decided to make the move.

The details of the venture are set to be released during a White House conference on HBCUs. One thing that Joyner possesses that others do not is the wide reach of his radio show, which he and his team think will make all the difference. The company will begin operations in January. Dr. Benjamin Chavis, who also works with HBCUs to help them establish online programs, says he's looking forward to Joyner joining the industry.

"Our company wants the best for HBCU's," he said, and "there's a lot of room in the marketplace."

I certainly appreciate the spirit behind Tom Joyner's commitment to HBCUs. I also think that he's perfect for this kind of venture. But we all know that when it comes to pulling off something of this magnitude, the proof is in the potato salad. The market for online education is growing by leaps and bounds, and it makes perfect sense for African Americans to own a piece of it. It also makes sense for us to support our HBCUs and obtain as much education as possible. The Internet is the place to be, and there really is no way around it.

In my book, "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about College," I make it completely clear that universities are places to get certifications, but not the only place where you can get knowledge. The greatest university in the history of the world is called "Google.com," meaning that knowledge is always out there if you want to pursue. Although Tom Joyner and I don't see eye-to-eye on everything, one area in which we are in agreement is on the importance of strengthening your mind.

Dr. Boyce Watkins is the founder of the Your Black World Coalition and a Scholarship in Action Resident of the Institute for Black Public Policy. To have Dr. Boyce commentary delivered to your email, please click here.


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Regina King to the Emmys: Racist as Ever


From The Huffington Post
: Since the Emmy ceremony, I have been going back and forth about whether or not I should compose this letter. I try hard in my daily life not to engage in uncomfortable situations regarding race. But sometimes it's very difficult to find other reasons that better explain why certain events play out the way they do. It is impossible for me to ignore the published statistics regarding the number of people of color mentioned, celebrated or honored in the history of the televised Emmys. Up to and including this year, there have been only 53 non-white actors nominated for emmys out of nearly 1,000 possible nominations in the top four acting categories for drama and comedy.

See the rest of what she has to say @ The Huffington Post


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Kodak Set to Pay $21.4 Million in Racial Discrimination Lawsuit


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I'm not sure if the company's executives would consider this to be a Kodak moment, but it's certainly a moment in racial history. Kodak, the large film company based out of Rochester, New York, just had a racial discrimination suit settled for the princely sum of $21.4 million.

The suit was filed on behalf of black employees who argued that their white co-workers were being favored for higher pay and more promotions. The legal battle took nearly seven years, and roughly 3,000 current and past workers were given amounts ranging from $1,000 to $50,000.

In addition to favoring white employees over black ones, the company is accused of maintaining a racially-hostile working environment. Out of the massive settlement, roughly $9.7 million is set to go to the attorneys. The employees have complained about the legal fees, since it seems that the lawyers are the ones who stand to benefit the most.

Part of the settlement will go toward the creation of diversity programs to make the working environment more racially-inclusive. The company is also set to hire an industrial psychologist and labor statisticians to analyze the company's pay and promotion policies.

In a public statement, the company said that the settlement "represents a resolution of mutual interest and it absolutely does not suggest any wrongdoing on the company's part...Kodak is widely recognized as a company committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive workplace in which all employees are valued, treated fairly and can contribute to their full potential."

Workplace discrimination is a common problem with many corporations and universities across America. Many of us are affected by it, but don't always have the resources or capabilities to do something about it. The disenchanting experience of being cheated out of opportunities you've worked hard for can be devastating to some, even leading to prolonged anger, stress and mental illness. What's even worse is that many institutions that are guilty of racial exclusion are not even aware that they are doing it.

Most of our nation's institutions were built on a foundation of racial inequality: For the first 50 or more years of existence, these companies and universities were legally allowed to consider black folks to be the bottom of the barrel. Unfortunately, most institutions continue to hold onto old ways of doing things and refuse to adjust for the racial inequality created from past decisions. That's what leads to much of the racism that we are forced to deal with today.

If you want to know if your institution discriminates, the data will tell you nearly everything you need to know. For example, if you teach at a university that hasn't hired or tenured a single African American in over 40 years, that's racism. One of the reasons I vehemently opposed the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court is because her campus, the Harvard Law School, has excluded African Americans from tenure track faculty positions for hundreds of years. Kagan chose not to challenge the system, but instead maintained it by not giving tenure to a single African American during her entire time as Dean.

My point here is not to focus on Elena Kagan, but to explain how racism can lurk in the hallways of an institution long after the original perpetrators are dead. If you find yourself excusing racism or simply accepting it as the way things are, then you are doing nothing more than perpetuating America's crippling commitment to sickening inequality.

Dr. Boyce Watkins is the founder of the Your Black World Coalition and a Scholarship in Action Resident of the Institute for Black Public Policy. To have Dr. Boyce commentary delivered to your email, please click here.


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Luv Coach Q&A: Holding onto the Past


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Please help me understand how a woman I just met has been "helping" her unemployed, suicidal ex-boyfriend who she has known since she was a teen. He was staying with her at her house while her house was being repaired because of storm damage. One night, her "ex" needed a place to stay. She arrived at my house and was on the phone with him while on my computer trying to find him a hotel room for the night. After making the arrangements, she then came over to me stating how much she hated having to do that for him.

My reply was that she did not have to do that for him, but she chose to do it for him. She mentions him in our conversations and states that I would feel differently about him if I met him. I was telling her how she is invested in his well being to which she denies. How do I get her to see that she isn't responsible for him anymore?

It sounds like your friend is in a co-dependent relationship and is having difficulty breaking away from her self imposed responsibility. It's not easy for people to recognize when they are trapped in a co-dependent cycle and she definitely needs the services of a therapist to help her out of it. As a friend your best chance of helping her is to continue making her aware of her choices and teaching her that she is enabling her ex instead of helping him. The more that she enables him, the less he is capable of learning how to be a healthy adult. Show her how she is hurting him, and you will open her eyes so she can see that co-dependence isn't good for either one of them.

Follow Coach Brody on Twitter @LuvCoach

I'm almost 21 and I have been dealing with my ex since I was about 16. We have been through so much together and I can't even begin to explain it all. Even though we have been off and on dating for so long, I've never dated anyone else, unlike my ex. Every time we split for awhile we end up getting back together and trying again. This last time, I stopped talking to him because he and his friends did something that really hurt me. Months past and my ex said he really loved and missed me, and wanted to be with me. After a huge struggle I said okay, but then after a few weeks of complete inconsistency with not returning my calls and going M.I.A. for days, I suggested we take a break to figure stuff out. Long story short, my ex ended up saying he really didn't want to be with me. He said he had gotten confused with missing me and that he now wants to date other people. He wants us to remain friends, but with all the feelings that have resurfaced, I don't think I can do that. I don't really want to cut him out of my life completely, but It seems I have no choice. What should I do?

It's time to break away from your ex and move on with your life. The on-again, off-again relationship is stunting your emotional growth and limiting your opportunity to experience new people and learn what will fulfill you in a relationship. At the moment your ex has you as his back up girl, and in between relationships with other people, he always comes back to you to fill the void until he finds someone else to date. You are growing and maturing, and what you needed at 16 and what you will need at 21 will be different. At this point it seems that your ex was unable to fulfill those needs in the past and is still unwilling to do so. I suggest that you vow to release this relationship for good and give yourself the space to heal before you allow him in your life as a friend. You will need a few years to explore who you are without him in the picture, and that means removing yourself from the role of back up girl and closing the door on this relationship for good.

Rebecca Brody is a relationship coach in New York City. Have a relationship question? Ask Brody@TheLuvCoach.com or go to www.TheLuvCoach.com. Ready to meet that special person? Come join Coach Brody for an evening of Improv Speed Dating- www.Improvdates.com


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President Obama Announces New Economic Measures


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The mid-term elections are coming, and the president is eager to make things right. Friday, President Barack Obama announced a list of new proposals designed to strengthen the economy and create jobs. The measures are expected to include tax cuts and additional government spending.

The recent jobs report brought both good and bad news to the president. On one hand, the report found that private businesses had increased their hiring last month. On the other hand, the unemployment rate creeped upward to 9.6 percent, primarily due to the loss of temporary government jobs. The higher unemployment rate is likely set to bolster Obama's critics, who blame his economic advisors for our current quandary.

"That's why we need to take further steps to create jobs and keep the economy growing, including extending tax cuts for the middle class and investing in the areas of our economy where the potential for job growth is greatest," Obama said during his speech in the White House Rose Garden. "We are confident that we are moving in the right direction, but we want to keep this recovery moving stronger and accelerate the job growth that's needed so desperately."

An expensive new bill probably won't be passed by Congress, since the deficit is one of the key talking points for Republicans when they critique Obama's presidency. Although the deficit skyrocketed under the Bush Administration, the Republicans seem to argue that the Democrats are the ones most responsible for the nation's financial problems.

Obama's package is expected to include bonds for different cities to begin infrastructure projects and tax breaks for businesses. They are also expected to try to give companies incentives to hire by reducing or eliminating the social security tax companies have to pay on new workers.

One of the good things about Obama's latest set of economic measures is that they are targeted measures, set to support the economy where it needs help the most. Once again, people of color might feel a bit left out, since the measures don't seem to specifically cover the most challenged urban communities, such as Detroit, where the unemployment rate is nearly twice as high as the rest of the United States. The economic problems of Detroit were highlighted in a recent article by Bennett College President, Dr. Julianne Malveaux.

The economy is one the most significant measuring sticks of any presidency. If Obama can't get that sucker moving soon, he's going to have some serious problems in 2012. I'll admit I have faith that the economy will improve, but I wonder if America has the moral courage to elect a black man to the White House twice.

Dr. Boyce Watkins is the founder of the Your Black World Coalition and a Scholarship in Action Resident of the Institute for Black Public Policy. To have Dr. Boyce commentary delivered to your email, please click here.


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The Hair Debate: Dominican vs. Black Salons


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For many women, a black-owned hair salon is almost like a sanctuary; a place to go to not only get your hair done, but also to catch up on the latest gossip, catch up with old friends, and have some 'me-time.'

But in the past few decades, Dominican salons have been taking over neighborhoods with cheaper prices, a more versatile blowout style, and more time-efficient results.

While black salons typically use irons and straighteners, Dominican salons use the method of a wet roller-set followed by a quick blowout.

It's an opinion that has always been a big debate in the hair community, and the fire was only fueled when the Wall Street Journal released an article on the topic in May. The article has had everyone asking, "Are black women turning their backs on black-owned businesses when they opt for the local Dominican salon?"


Close-Cropped Celebs!

Angel Murphy, the daughter of Melanie "Scary Spice" Brown and Eddie Murphy, showed off her Mohawk on an outing with her mother and step dad, Stephen Belafonte. Did Mel B.'s bald husband inspire her to cut her daughter's hair?

Close-Cropped Celebs!

After being snapped by paparazzi last week, Solange Knowles was shocked by the backlash from fans. On her Twitter page, she wrote, "i. just. wanted. to. be. free. from. the. bondage. that. black. women sometimes. put. on. themselves. with. hair."

Close-Cropped Celebs!

Bald is beautiful! Just ask Sudan-born supermodel Alek Wek, who has been rockin' the baldie since she first stepped onto the runway in the '90s.

Close-Cropped Celebs!

A few months ago, most people would be saying "Amber who?" Now, Kanye's girlfriend, Amber Rose, has a contract with Ford Models and a permanent spot in the gossip blogs. Her edgy and barely-there hair might have something to do with it.

Close-Cropped Celebs!

Never one to shy away from a bold and edgy look, Rihanna is the latest in a long line of young celebrities to embrace, or at least partially embrace, the bald.

Close-Cropped Celebs!

If singer Cassie was looking for publicity when she shaved a portion of her head, she got it! Blogs were abuzz about the pretty artist's new half-buzz cut.

Close-Cropped Celebs!

After giving props to Cassie for her new look, La La Vasquez followed suit with a more subtle version.

Close-Cropped Celebs!

'G.I. Jane,' the movie for which Demi Moore cut off all her hair, flopped, but the resulting style didn't! Her hair, or lack thereof, became a hot red-carpet accessory.

Close-Cropped Celebs!

Sometimes going bald is not so much a fashion statement as it is a statement of insanity. Case in point: Britney Spears, whose bald head signaled a highly publicized mental breakdown.

Close-Cropped Celebs!

A hair chameleon, Erykah Badu has gone from huge headwraps to long dreads to wild afros. This look was just one on her long list of creative looks.

Close-Cropped Celebs!

Jennifer Drew is a black woman who, after a trip to the Dominican Republic -- which opened her eyes to the possibilities for Dominican techniques for American black women -- founded RoundHairBrush.com, an online community that includes a database of Dominican hair salons across the country. She believes there are many pros to the Dominican salon versus the black salon.

"Number one is the time. Even if you're getting a chemical service, you're never in the salon more than three hours," Drew says. "You also have the ability to just walk in, because so many people are available to help you, while at a black salon, you usually have to have an appointment. Also, I think the blowout style you get at a Dominican salon is more versatile - it's an every day look. At an African-American salon, the style can be somewhat hard to duplicate the next day."

But Drew doesn't think that the rise of Dominican salons means the end of black salons. She believes that black salons will always be supported.

"Yes, Dominican salons are here to stay, but I don't think they will take black salons out of business. Dominican salons aren't always best for shorter or natural hair styles, and a lot of women like going to a salon where they don't feel like just a number and can communicate exactly what they want. I think it's about whatever you are most comfortable with."

BV readers, do you prefer going to a black-owned salon, your local Dominican salon, or both?


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Ouidad: The Curly Girl's Best Friend


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Black hair comes in a variety of shapes, volumes, and textures. For those of us with curls it can be a struggle to find an easy and manageable way to rock your hair everyday -- especially if the blow dryer and straightener are your worst enemies.

That's where the Ouidad salon comes in. Founded by Ouidad, a woman with curly hair who wanted to help other curly-headed women, the company has salons across the country. Each location is staffed with stylists who have been specifically trained to cut, style and manage curly hair of all types - from spiral curls to s-shaped waves.

At the salon, a friendly and patient stylist sat down with me and talked about the texture of my hair and the best way to treat my specific curl-type. She explained why the relaxer I had been using for years was not the answer for my hair type, and how - with the proper upkeep and products - I could have healthy, frizz-free curls. They used the "carving and slicing method," a technique where they remove bulkiness without thinning or layering, while keeping your specific curl pattern in mind.


Close-Cropped Celebs!

Angel Murphy, the daughter of Melanie "Scary Spice" Brown and Eddie Murphy, showed off her Mohawk on an outing with her mother and step dad, Stephen Belafonte. Did Mel B.'s bald husband inspire her to cut her daughter's hair?

Close-Cropped Celebs!

After being snapped by paparazzi last week, Solange Knowles was shocked by the backlash from fans. On her Twitter page, she wrote, "i. just. wanted. to. be. free. from. the. bondage. that. black. women sometimes. put. on. themselves. with. hair."

Close-Cropped Celebs!

Bald is beautiful! Just ask Sudan-born supermodel Alek Wek, who has been rockin' the baldie since she first stepped onto the runway in the '90s.

Close-Cropped Celebs!

A few months ago, most people would be saying "Amber who?" Now, Kanye's girlfriend, Amber Rose, has a contract with Ford Models and a permanent spot in the gossip blogs. Her edgy and barely-there hair might have something to do with it.

Close-Cropped Celebs!

Never one to shy away from a bold and edgy look, Rihanna is the latest in a long line of young celebrities to embrace, or at least partially embrace, the bald.

Close-Cropped Celebs!

If singer Cassie was looking for publicity when she shaved a portion of her head, she got it! Blogs were abuzz about the pretty artist's new half-buzz cut.

Close-Cropped Celebs!

After giving props to Cassie for her new look, La La Vasquez followed suit with a more subtle version.

Close-Cropped Celebs!

'G.I. Jane,' the movie for which Demi Moore cut off all her hair, flopped, but the resulting style didn't! Her hair, or lack thereof, became a hot red-carpet accessory.

Close-Cropped Celebs!

Sometimes going bald is not so much a fashion statement as it is a statement of insanity. Case in point: Britney Spears, whose bald head signaled a highly publicized mental breakdown.

Close-Cropped Celebs!

A hair chameleon, Erykah Badu has gone from huge headwraps to long dreads to wild afros. This look was just one on her long list of creative looks.

Close-Cropped Celebs!

When styling, they use the "shake and rake" method, which the stylist took time to show me how to do myself. The method essentially creates a "rake" in the hair with your fingers, followed by shaking the curls out, which is the best way to keep your curls' natural pattern.

When they were finished, my hair looked more healthy, bouncy and curly than I had ever seen it. The best part? The hair stylist created a look I could replicate at home. I've been able to wash and go by using the products they recommended, and my hair has been naturally full of healthy curls all summer. Relaxer? Never again.

Even if you don't have a salon near you or don't want to get a cut, Ouidad has a variety of products available online that keep curls moisturized and frizz free. I definitely recommend doing their deep-conditioner treatment once a month - it keeps curls looking healthy and shiny. For every day, their Botanical Boost spray is a good way to keep hair conditioned and to bring life back to curls at the end of the day. But for me, their life-changing product is the Climate Control Heat & Humidity Gel. Using this throughout your hair keeps frizz at bay and fights the harmful effects of both humidity and heat from a dryer, making sure your hair doesn't get damaged.

There is one drawback to the Ouidad experience - the prices are hefty. Depending on the experience level of your stylist, the cut can cost anywhere from $125-150, and their products average around $20 each. But if, like me, you've battled with your curls for years, I'd say the results are definitely worth it - it's so good to know there are salons and products out there made especially for us curly girls that actually work.

To find a salon nearest you, visit www.ouidad.com/Salon-Locator


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Black Unemployment Rate Increases 700% More than White


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This weekend, I was on the radio with Rev. Jesse Jackson. He'd just completed a march in Detroit, for jobs, peace and justice, only to find that his SUV was stolen upon arrival. But when I asked him if he was OK, his response was quite telling of the leader that he is: He simply said that the car doesn't matter at all when there are so many people suffering across America.

Well, the nation-wide suffering for African Americans has just intensified with the recent unemployment data delivered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It's most recent report showed that while white unemployment only went up from 8.6 percent to 8.7 percent, black unemployment went up from 15.6 percent to 16.3 percent. This increase is at a rate that is 700 percent higher than the increase for white Americans.

The numbers tell an interesting and sad story about the forgotten economic hardships being felt by black people all across America. First, black unemployment is nearly double that of white Americans. While the rest of America finds itself screaming in pain over unemployment rates between eight and nine percent, black America is asked to remain silent about unemployment rates as high as 15 - 16 percent. While government officials are not acknowledging black economic hardship, the United Nations is. As of April, the UN announced that it is investigating whether consistent black unemployment is a human rights violation.

Black male unemployment is shockingly high, rising from 16.7 percent to 17.3 percent. This compares to a rate increase of 8.8 percent to 8.9 percent for white males. In other words, black male unemployment is 94 percent higher than the rate for white men. Unfortunately, this has become the norm for the African American male.

Black women also watched their unemployment rate rise from 12.9 percent to 13.2 percent, while white women saw no increase at all. At this point, white females have the lowest unemployment rate of any demographic group. Black women have an unemployment rate that is roughly 85 percent higher than white females.

The worst group of all are black teenagers. Their unemployment rate already stood at a startling 40.6 percent last month. This month, it rose to 45.4 percent, which is not only the highest unemployment figure of any group, it is also 90 percent higher than the unemployment rate for white teenagers, which held steady with a modest increase from 23.5 percent to 23.8 percent. The high unemployment rate for African American teens is likely one of causes for massive amounts of teen violence and persistently high rates of black incarceration. When kids don't have jobs, they find something else to do. What they choose to do on their own is not always productive.

What's so interesting about having a black president is that the presidency has made us feel uncomfortable as a community about asking that our specific issues be addressed. I am not sure how bad things have to get, how many black people have to be homeless or how many unemployment applications we must fill out before we can get our leaders in Washington to realize that while 9.6 percent unemployment is horrible for the nation, 16.3 percent unemployment in black America is absolutely devastating.

What's worse about the recent black unemployment numbers is that they aren't going to go away. When this recession ends, and white unemployment drops to four or five percent, black people will still have unemployment rates which match or exceed the rates that white Americans are experiencing today. But while white privilege gives other Americans the right to moan, groan and complain about eight or nine percent unemployment, black Americans will be considered to be trouble makers for speaking against numbers of the same magnitude. Rarely, if ever, do we see a greater indicator of racial economic inequality than this.

There was a time when black people were legally considered to be three-fifths of a person. Today, we have an economic version of the Three-Fifths Compromise, which says that it is an acceptable and comfortable outcome that white unemployment will never be more than three-fifths that of black Americans. As long as this disparity holds constant, our government officials don't see a problem, and don't expect us to see one either. In all of the talk about helping the nation out of this recession, almost never has any advisor in President Barack Obama's economic cabinet even mentioned the idea of reducing the disparity between black and white unemployment. Their silence is both deafening and perplexing to the black people who put him in office. I wonder

Dr. Boyce Watkins is the founder of the Your Black World Coalition and a Scholarship in Action Resident of the Institute for Black Public Policy. To have Dr. Boyce commentary delivered to your email, please click here.


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Created On Purpose


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Your DAILY AFFIRMATION for Tuesday, September 7, 2010:

"The Creator created me on purpose to fulfill a purpose that only I can fulfill. I AM important to life just as I AM. I AM important to the planet just as I AM. I AM a purposeful creation of God. And so it is."

You are divinely created to fulfill your unique purpose,

Barry J.

Previously: Renewed In the Spirit of God

Barry Johnson is an businessman, motivational speaker and management consultant. He holds a B.S. degree from Yale and an MBA degree from Harvard. You can follow him at twitter.com/thebarryjohnson and email him at bjohnson@risemovement.org


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NFL Analyst Makes Offensive Remark About Hurricane Katrina


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NFL Hall of Famer Dan Hampton has a great deal to apologize for this week. During a broadcast of an NFL game between the Minnesota Vikings and New Orleans Saints, Hampton thought it would be funny to bring up that little thing called Hurricane Katrina. Making reference to the fact that the Vikings needed to show up with their A-game, Hampton said, "The Vikings need to go down there and hit that town like Katrina."

Bad move buddy, bad move.

There isn't much to say about Dan Hampton other than the obvious. It didn't take him long to realize that it might be inappropriate to make jokes about an event that led to the death and displacement of tens of thousands of people. Hurricane Katrina affected real lives in a very real way, and Hampton needs to understand that. Additionally, invoking Katrina into the fantasy world of professional football is only productive to the extent that the success of the Saints has helped to heal the hearts of New Orleans residents who've lost everything. So, if you can't bring Hurricane Katrina up in a positive and uplifting way, please don't bring it up as a joke.

Even going further on that point, for Hampton to make a joke about Katrina would be like making a joke about September 11th. Katrina was our 9/11, and although our nation doesn't talk about the pain of New Orleans residents anymore, the struggle continues. In fact, the suffering is likely magnified in light of recent numbers showing that black unemployment rose by 700 percent more than white unemployment during the month of August. Many of the faces of Katrina are black, and the suffocating grip of racial economic oppression is rarely stronger than it is in New Orleans. While Dan Hampton is not responsible for all the world's agony, he should realize that his platform should be used to support and uplift NFL fans, and not remind them of the most horrible experience of their lives.

Dan Hampton, I forgive you. But you should certainly be suspended and encouraged to get some sensitivity training. You also owe the people of New Orleans a sincere apology. Football might be a game, but Hurricane Katrina is not.

Dr. Boyce Watkins is the founder of the Your Black World Coalition and a Scholarship in Action Resident of the Institute for Black Public Policy. To have Dr. Boyce commentary delivered to your email, please click here.


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Floyd Mayweather Jr. Broadcasts Racist Rant Against Manny Pacquiao

Floyd Mayweather Jr. Broadcasts Racist Rant Against Manny Pacquiao

Did Floyd Mayweather, Jr. (pictured left) go too far when he went on a racist rant recently against fellow boxer Manny Pacquiao (pictured right)? Mayweather streamed a video on Ustream that could potentially throw a wrench in talks for a very lucrative fight deal between the fighters.

Mayweather decided to use his mouth as a weapon, when he went on a tirade filled with expletives and racist comments about his Filipino counterpart. The 33-year-old world boxing championship fighter has now teed off not only folks in the boxing world but Pacquiao's devoted fan base. Many industry experts are also stating that Mayweather could have also dug a hole for himself, alienating quite a number of his own admirers.

Here are some excerpts of Mayweather's profanity-laced video:

" 'Poochiao' got three losses and two draws and been knocked out twice," Mayweather said. "So, like I said before, once I beat him it's going to be a cakewalk and it's on to the next. ... We know Pacquiao made $6 million in his last fight and Floyd Mayweather made $65 million in his last fight. Three losses, two draws. Ohhh, hell no, this is America, baby. We built on winning. Step your game up, f----t. ... That mother f----r Pacquiao, he can't speak no English. He never seen a contract he didn't like. Mother f----r signed with two companies [Top Rank and Golden Boy]. Look it up. And then this mother f-----r with Nike only got 70 Gs. How stupid can a mother f----r be? Reebok gave me a million dollars for three weeks. I wore Reebok s--t for a week for a million dollars. ... This mother f-----r's name is Emmanuel. He got a fake name, taking power pellets."

"I'm on vacation for about a year, about a year," Mayweather said. "As soon as we come off vacation, we're going to cook that little yellow chump. We ain't worried about that. So they ain't gotta worry about me fighting the midget. Once I kick the midget ass, I don't want you all to jump on my d--k. So you all better get on the bandwagon now. ... Once I stomp the midget, I'll make that mother f----r make me a sushi roll and cook me some rice."

Mayweather, oddly enough, also broke out in a strange song where he referred to Pacquiao as a "whore" and added:

"When we do come back, we'll kick 'Poochiao's' ass. I'm gonna fight the Pacman when he gets off the power pellets."

Although the young boxer, who flaunts an unblemished professional record in close to 50 career bouts, has apologized (see video below) for his offensive video, all is not forgotten.

Unfortunately for him, he's a tad too late; the boxer has come under attack by countless industry watchers, including writer Michael Rosenthal of The Ring who writes:

"The No. 2 fighter in the world pound for pound has the maturity level of a 3-year-old. The video coincided with the beginning of the Pacquiao-Antonio Margarito media tour. Mayweather just couldn't stand the fact his rival was receiving attention and he wasn't, so he took his shots at one of the most-decent figures in boxing. Other observers have blamed the sycophants who hover around him for the fact he's a spoiled brat, which obviously plays a role. He must also accept some of the responsibility. The man is 33 years old, for God's sake. Isn't it time he starts acting like it?"

Meanwhile Pacquiao dismissed the video last Friday at the final stop of a three-city tour to promote his fight:

"I just heard about that, but I didn't see the video. But it's an uneducated message."

When asked about the possibility of a Mayweather bout Friday, Pacquiao responded:

"I'm not looking for that fight. I'm satisfied with what I've done in boxing already."


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How to Wear White After Labor Day


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Proof that you can wear white after Labor Day, from left: fall 2010 runway styles from Chanel, Valentino and Anna Sui. Photos: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images, Eric Ryan/Getty Images, Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for IMG

Wearing white after Labor Day these days is as acceptable as wearing black to a wedding or skipping pantyhose at the office. It's an old school fashion rule, that's not only been broken, but practically rewritten.

"Not only can you wear white after Labor Day, you should wear white all year long, especially if you live in a seasonless climate," Charla Krupp, fashion expert and author of "How to Never Look Fat Again," tells StyleList. "White can be stunning in a dress, jacket, sweater or coat."

Heather Kenny, a Chicago-based style expert, wardrobe adviser, and personal shopper agrees, but does have a few white-wearing caveats.

"Put away the linen dresses and tissue-thin cotton tops in favor of crisp white shirts and white dresses made of heavier-gauge materials," she tells StyleList. "White needs a little bit more substance in fall. Those wispy white separates will just look wrong in the golden autumn light and the back-to-school mentality. You could still wear a light top under a jacket or cardigan though."

Stylelist asked their experts for some fall and winter white advice. Click here to read what they had to say.


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Little Rock 9 Member Jefferson Thomas Dies in Ohio


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Little Rock 9 member Jefferson Thomas dies in Ohio

Jefferson Thomas was not just a great black athlete, he was a great black student, and being part of the Little Rock Nine (the first group of students to desegregate public schools) Thomas saw himself risking death by being in the middle of heated racial controversy.

One of the most interesting experiences Thomas recollected is how many of his white friends could accept him as an athlete, but not as a fellow student:

"One of them said, 'Well I don't mind playing basketball or football with you or anything. You guys are good at sports. Everybody knows that, but you're just not smart enough to sit next to me in the classroom,'" Thomas said.

Thomas' long journey through life just ended at the age of 67 as he succumbed to pancreatic cancer. Thomas was president of the Little Rock Nine Foundation, representing the students who enrolled at Central High School in Little Rock, Ark., in 1957.

Their decision to enroll changed America forever.

The mere entrance of the students in to a predominantly white high school was enough for the governor of the state, Orval Faubus, to send National Guard troops to block the students from entering. In response, President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent the Army in to override the National Guard.

The situation was contentious enough to nearly set off a civil war, similar to the Emancipation Proclamation nearly 100 years earlier. It is also not unlike the significant resistance President Barack Obama is receiving from many governors who are fighting his initiatives. When it comes to race, America always has been and continues to be quite divided.

Roughly 40 years later, the Little Rock Nine received Congressional Gold Medals for their bravery. The group included the late Mr. Thomas, LaNier Melba, Patillo Beals, Minnijean Brown Trickey, Elizabeth Eckford, Ernest Green, Gloria Ray Karlmark, Terrence Roberts and Thelma Mothershed Wair.

Little Rock 9 member Jefferson Thomas dies in Ohio
In reference to President Obama's presidential victory, Thomas said that it was like a dream come true:

"This was really the nonviolent revolution," Thomas said. "We went and cast our ballots and the ballots were counted this time."

The courageous story of the Little Rock Nine is clearly one of the most significant events in our nation's history. It opened the door for black Americans to finally have access to some semblance of a quality education.

Unfortunately, years later, schools in black communities are decimated, crumbling bastions of educational mediocrity. They continue to breed racial division and oppression by refusing to provide necessary access to the basic essentials every child needs for a good education. The federal government should step in once again to correct this imbalance, since our work on racial integration is certainly far from complete.

Also, similar to Thomas being identified by his classmates as an unintelligent black athlete, this stereotype continues to exist today. The stereotype is perpetuated both by many white Americans and also many African-American athletes; many black men are quick to throw away their commitment to education in exchange for athletic pursuits, creating a perfect partnership for destruction.

I can't count how many black athletes I've seen through the years who've seen their lives ruined by only focusing on sports without picking up a book between dribbles of the basketball. Perhaps it's time for us to learn from our history and start to evolve in a productive fashion.

Dr. Boyce Watkins is the founder of the Your Black World Coalition and a Scholarship in Action Resident of the Institute for Black Public Policy. To have Dr. Boyce commentary delivered to your email, please click here.


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Reggie Bush to Be Stripped of Heisman Trophy


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reggie bush heismanReggie Bush is about to make history once again. Sources say that the Heisman Trophy Trust will strip the former University of California running back of his Heisman Trophy.

In the 75-year history of the award, Bush would be the first player to have it taken back. The report says that the decision will come down by the end of the month.

Back in June, the NCAA found the University of Southern California in violation of NCAA rules because of knowing and doing nothing about Bush's receipt of cash, gifts and other benefits as a student-athlete. The NCAA determined that Bush was ineligible for part of the 2004 season and all of the 2005 season, when he was awarded the Heisman Trophy.

The University of California's punishment for the violation includes victories from late 2004 to 2005 being vacated (plus the school's Orange Bowl victory in 2005), the loss of 30 athlete scholarships over the next three years and banishment from participating in any bowl games for the next two seasons.

Bush has yet to respond to the report, but earlier this year he was taken aback by the punishment his alma mater was receiving, although he didn't admit to any wrong-doing:

"This thing, regarding USC and the NCAA, is the closest thing to death without dying because I have such a great love and respect for the university," Bush told the Associated Press back in June. "This has been one the toughest things I've had to deal with in my life. I believe that there's a lot of untold truth to this matter, there's a lot of fabricated lies to this matter, but it is what it is, and I can't sit here and cry about it. I can't sit here and make up excuses. Ultimately, it's a responsibility that's placed on USC and my shoulders. It's because of me. So all I can do is continue to try to help them and move forward with the situation. God works in mysterious ways and at the end of the day I think this, too, shall pass and hopefully we can grow stronger from this."


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Venus Williams' Daring U.S. Open Outfit


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The Williams sisters are known for being powerhouses in tennis, but they've also become known for some making some controversial fashion decisions on the court. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that the oldest of the athletic superstars, Venus, wore a back-baring sequin outfit during her U.S. Open match against Shahar Peer Sunday. Williams said she wore the design in honor of the Big Apple.

"This outfit was supposed to be about New York," she told the New York Daily News. "It's like bursts of fireworks."

Williams last caused a stir with her athletic gear in May, when she wore a racy lace dress during the French Open. Click through our gallery for more of the Williams sisters interesting tennis looks.


Wacky Williams Sister Fashion

Wacky Williams Sister Fashion

Venus turned heads recently in this lingerie-inspired lace dress. Is it too risque for tennis?

Wacky Williams Sister Fashion

Serena Williams sported this studded Nike top and a daring denim skirt during the 2004 US Open.

Wacky Williams Sister Fashion

There's nothing so wrong with this lavender tennis dress Venus wore a few years back, but we generally think sequins should be reserved for evening wear.

Wacky Williams Sister Fashion

Serena says this controversial catsuit, which she wore for the 2002 US Open, was what made her famous. It certainly made a legion of men take note of her attributes -- and we're not talking about athletic prowess.

Wacky Williams Sister Fashion

Back in '04, the younger Williams paired a sporty jacket (it says Serena on the back) and a flirty black skirt with "knee-length" tennis shoes.

Wacky Williams Sister Fashion

Is this beachwear or tennis gear? Serena has been causing controversy for years with her daring on-court ensembles. This two-piece number from 2004 is no exception.

Wacky Williams Sister Fashion

This hot pink corset-like dress, which Venus wore in April 2010, was the precursor to her controversial lace getup.

Wacky Williams Sister Fashion


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5 Black Models to Watch at New York Fall Fashion Week


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While designers like Diane von Furstenberg, Marc Jacobs, and Zac Posen look forward to debuting their latest designs for at this year's New York Fall Fashion Week, we'll be looking forward to the models wearing them.

Some of the youngest and freshest new faces will be making their debut on the New York runways this year, and we've got the round-up of which promising pretty young things you should keep your eye on.

1. Chrishell Stubbs:
The 18-year-old California girl of mixed Caribbean and Caucasian ancestry was discovered on Hollywood Boulevard at the Pig n' Whistle restaurant. Benetton tapped the 5'10" beauty for their Fall 2010 campaign. Stubbs has also made appearances in Teen Vogue, Gap, and Levi's ads.

2. Betty Adewole:
The 5′11″ 19-year-old Brit of Nigerian descent was discovered while shopping at Tottenham Court Road with her mom. She's already made a splash with her avant-garde editorial in the Machinist, and her cheekbones have even been likened to Naomi Campbell's.

3. Anais Mali:
The French stunner of Polish and African descent has been making waves since she first stomped for Vivienne Westwood's Spring 2010 show. Bethann Hardison, champion of the black models in fashion movement, chose this young lady for a feature in Italian Vogue.

4. Kelly Moreira:
The French native caught her big break on Myspace, where she submitted her profile for the 2009 Elite Model Look France contest. She didn't end up winning, but she created so much buzz, Ford models decided to scoop her up. Now you can see her in Jean Paul Gaultier and Uniqlo campaigns as well as the runways of Lanvin, Yves Saint Laurent, and Kenzo. Moreira recently landed an eight page spread in Teen Vogue's September issue.

5. Herieth Paul:
This 16-year-old from Tanzania credits Jourdan Dunn as her muse. When she's not ripping the runway, you can find the young beauty on the basketball court, where she goes to relieve stress (she's 5′11″). She captivated fashion bible Women's Wear Daily with her humor and poise, and plans on dominating the catwalks of Ralph Lauren, Marc Jacobs, Prada, and Gucci by the time she's 18.

What do you think of the newest crop of runway ready beauties?


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Wyclef Jean: Responds to Sean Penn, Pras at New York City Concert


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Wyclef Jean
is now out of the running for president of Haiti, but he's still unhappy with some of the celebrities who spoke out against his bid.

The former Fugees rapper-singer, who was declared ineligible to run by Haitian electoral officials for not meeting the five-year resident requirement, has now lashed out against Academy Award winner Sean Penn and his former band mate Pras, both of whom criticized Clef's lack of experience in politics.Jean, born Nel Ust Wyclef Jean, remixed his 2004 song 'President' to reflect his disdain for the two men.

"I got a message for Sean Penn: Maybe he ain't see me in Haiti because he was too busy sniffing cocaine," Jean charged at the Hot 97's On The Reggae Tip concert in New York over the weekend.

He sang, "I got a message for Praswell, even though you don't want to support me, I got love for you, even though you only kicked 8 bars in the Fugees."

Despite the fact that Jean raised millions of dollars for earthquake-relief efforts through his Yele Haiti foundation, Penn was vocal over the past two months about the Grammy winner's actual presence on the ground in the weeks following the tragedy.

Penn wrote in a Huffington Post column, "I was there for those six months after the earthquake, and so many of us on the ground wondered where he was when that kind of attention was so necessary and absent, and why he was NOT helping to keep this desperate situation in the news."

He added, "None among us felt or expressed anger toward it, but rather a universal sadness for his silence, as he is America's most admired cultural link to Haiti."

Pras did not point fingers at his former friend for not being around during the disaster relief cleanup, but he did say that he thought Jean had lost sight of the bigger goals he should be fighting for as president.

In a recent interview with MTV News, Pras questioned, "He talks about health care, he talks about education, he talks about infrastructure. ...But how are you gonna get to that point?"

He added, "There's a short-term goal that needs to be addressed and there's a long-term goal. To be honest with you, the short term is probably more important than the long term. And he didn't even mention the short term."


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Restoring Truthiness: Colbert Rally Gathers Steam


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 restoring truthiness

Now here is a rally worth rallying behind.

If thousands of "Colbert Report" fans get their way, master funnyman Stephen Colbert will host a Washington, D.C., event entitled "Restoring Truthiness" to show the world just how silly the nation was for paying any attention to the overblown Glenn Beck "Restoring Dignity" rally a few weeks ago.

In case you aren't a fan, Colbert on his nightly "news" show parodies conservative news talkers in the mold of Beck and Bill O'Reilly. His inane questions of real-life news makers and funny yet faulty findings on the top news items of the day make viewing worthwhile.

A Facebook page dedicated to Colbert's Restoring Truthiness rally has drawn 17,000 members.

The Colbert rally would provide a perfect satiric counterpoint to the Beck rally, which for some unknown reason captured the attention of news-gathering world.

Beck is nothing more than an entertainer - not much different from when he worked as a radio DJ. Tea Party people deify him for his paper-thin defense of conservative values. Progressives demonize him for his anti-Obama rants and thinly veiled homophobic and racially discriminatory views - both sides are wasting their time.

Meanwhile, Beck is laughing all the way to the bank - happy in the mere accomplishment that he has people actually paying attention to him.

I really hope Colbert's Restoring Truthiness rally comes to fruition. At least with the Emmy-winning satirist, we will all share in the laughs.

Watch Colbert at his best here:

The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Bill O'Reilly Inside Edition
Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election Fox News






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