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I know this is not a money matter, and that I'm new here, but I have to get something off my chest. Sarah Palin scares me. There, I said it. Miss Sarah and The Tea Baggers[1] officially have me shook. Seriously, peep this latest SarahPAC video:
I gotta be totally honest with you. The fact that so many people find this hideously vapid woman even remotely credible scares the Bejesus outta me. Not because she's a threat to become President (a plurality of Tea Partiers even agree she isn't qualified), but because our country is so freakin' dumb that this sideshow broad is taken seriously by anyone. Don't believe me? She's endorsed a dentist who thinks civil rights legislation is intrusive on state's rights, a 40-year-old virgin who once dabbled in witchcraft, a lawyer who wants to repeal Social Security, and a crackpot who thinks women who are raped by family members and end up pregnant should "make lemonade out of lemons" and be forced to have the baby anyway.
All of these people won their respective GOP primaries, and have reasonable shots at ending up in the US Senate next January. That sh*t should scare you. Seriously.
I obviously have nothing against criticizing the President's performance. I do this all the time myself, and I think questioning the legislative decisions of those you elect (or don't elect for that matter) is both responsible and downright American. The problem is, most of these folks don't even have their facts straight (ex.: Death Panels!), and don't provide any real solutions other than talking points like "free market capitalism" and "less taxes." Sorry, that just sounds like a BS excuse to avoid the obvious issue (he's a Democrat!) to me.
Just watch the video again and peep what's happening. The paramilitary undertone of the soundtrack. The legions of mindless, flag waving clones. The total and complete absence of anyone of color[2], save for the obvious token darkie in the crowd. The bullsh*t faux populism. Palin's freakishly weird posture at the :42 mark. The underlying assertion that these folks are somehow more American, more patriotic, more God-like, simply because they didn't vote for that Kenyan Nazi. The Madlibs narrative of Palin's mindnumblingly stoopid speech. The fact that anyone even mistakes this whole charade, funded by rich people to protect the riches of those very same rich people, as "grassroots".
Folks, this country's headed to the crapper faster than I can finish typing this sentence.
Question: Does this tone and direction of this whole "movement" have you somewhat concerned? Have people this stupid simply been in hiding for the past 20+ years? Has this sentiment always been out there, just not televised as much?
[1] Sounds like a catchy name for an alt-rock group, no?
[2] What the hell is that brotha at the :22 second mark doing with his black a$$ is Searchlite, NV?!? Shame!)