Filed under: News, Politics, President Obama, Health Care Debate

Maybe President Obama is finally learning that he's going to have to challenge a lot of the crazy rhetoric coming out of Washington if he's going to get his message out about all the good things his administration has accomplished.
Take health care reform for example. Obama admitted that he didn't work hard enough to tell the public about the benefits of the bill.
The AP writes:
The biggest changes in the legislation, such as the new purchasing pools and requirement for everyone to carry insurance, don't kick in until 2014. Among changes taking effect this week:
-Young adults can remain on family health plans until they turn 26
-Free immunization provided for kids.
-Free preventive care provided, such as mammograms and cholesterol screenings.
-No more lifetime coverage limits, and annual limits start to phase out.
-Plans can't cancel coverage for people who get sick.
-No denial of coverage for kids with pre-existing health conditions.
Obama must work as hard as his opponents to spread the benefits about what he's trying to as hard as they work to spread wild untruths. Debating an issue on policy points is a good thing. But when the debate delves into hyperbole, misleading statements and outright lies, then all Americans lose out.