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An Oakland nonprofit that operates 30 charter schools in California is being recognized with a $1 million donation from Oprah Winfrey's Angel Foundation. Aspire Public Schools was one of six public school reform groups honored with grants from the talk show host Monday.
The charter school network serves nearly 10,000 students in East Palo Alto, Modesto, Oakland, Stockton, Sacramento and Los Angeles. The gift came during a show Winfrey devoted to a new documentary about public education called "Waiting for Superman."
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I commend Oprah Winfrey for all of her charitable acts of giving, and definitely applaud her giving a gift to the American people. While Winfrey has the right to give away her money where she sees fit, it's always wonderful when a wealthy person rewards the very people who helped to make her rich -- in this case, us. When Winfrey opened her school in South Africa, the only complaint many had was over the fact that the American education system is in shambles. Why not spend the money here?
Well, now people can no longer make such complaints. While Oprah is not saint, and certainly does not owe anybody anything, it still smarted to see her making such a powerful investment in education first on non-American soil. Perhaps it's like the controversy around the "Ground Zero" mosque. Even though it does not make any sense, emotionally the idea of it troubles people, all logical arguments to the contrary.
Perhaps Oprah Winfrey giving to a California charter school system was an act of symbolism to let the American public know that she might spread her positive power all over the world, but we still hold a special place in her heart. Whatever Oprah's motivation behind her $1 million give, it strikes me that way, and I very much appreciate the gesture.
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In addition, Oprah's giving draws attention to the need for more communities to help out their school systems, giving whatever it takes to support our failing learning institutions. The downturn in the economy has ripped apart the local tax base in many areas, leading to massive cuts in our public schools. Charter schools are a controversial issue, but might be one solution to the many economic challenges school systems are facing. As they are often run in an independent fashion, and are freerer to operate more efficiently and raise their own funds, charter schools might become both an educational and economic necessity.
In the coming years, if we are to not only maintain but also increase the quality of public education available to our kids, charter schools might become the best option. Charter schools got Oprah's $1 million vote!