Filed under: News, Politics, President Obama, Race and Civil Rights

"Get away from my french fries, Mrs. Obama. First politician that comes up to me with a carrot stick, I've got a place for it. And it's not in my tummy."
Beck is on the chubby side, so I can see why he'd be offended by health food. He's also on the racist side, which is why he might also be offended by a powerful, intelligent African American woman. But Beck has a power of his own that must be acknowledged. He has lifted himself as the face and voice of the Tea Party and is now one of the leading Republicans in America. People take him more seriously than Rush Limbaugh, since he is now perceived to be as much of a political figure as an entertainer. Don't be surprised if he runs for office one day.
The Obamas are handling Beck in the right way, they simply ignore him. Beck is the kind of beast who feeds on your anger, like a fire feeds on grease and oxygen. The more you are annoyed by him, the more he does to try to irritate you. He's like the poison ivy on your leg that you want to scratch. As you scratch to reduce the discomfort, the poison only spreads to the rest of your body.
We know that the world needs Michelle Obama's initiative on healthy eating and childhood obesity. Our kids have been turned into chubby little Xbox addicts who can't spell the word "NBA." Part of me feels sorry for Michelle, for I truly believe she was meant to be more than Barack's wife. I do expect, however, that she will one day elevate to a position of independent political power that doesn't require her to sit and smile next to the man in charge.
By the time Michelle does take power, Glenn Beck will probably be gone from the public eye. As powerful as Beck might be, he is similar to some of the people who gained prominence during the nation's backlash against George W. Bush. He is a product of our nation's lynch mob mentality and once white males stop feeling marginalized, Beck will find that his audience is not nearly as enegetic. At the very least, if Republicans regain power and our nation is still headed in the wrong direction, neither Beck nor his Tea Party Minions will have Barack Obama around as a scapegoat.