The alleged gunman, Warren Davis, 50, supposedly became emotionally distraught about the care of his mother; one witness said that he was upset that the diagnosis was that his mother would be paralyzed. Davis drew a semi-automatic handgun and shot the doctor in the abdomen. He then shot in the direction of his mother lying in the bed, causing his mother to get shot in the head. She died. Then shot himself. The doctor, Dr. David Cohen, is now said to be in good condition. expected to make a full recovery.
News reports stated that since the Virginia Tech shooting, Johns Hopkins created an emergency plan for a potential shooting like the one that happened last week: SWAT teams surrounded the spinal surgery wing, according to ABC News. The hospital continued to run, helping patients, even as the suspect was barricaded in a room.
Here's an eyewitness account from Meagan Shea (pictured), a make-up artist who volunteers for children with cancer at the hospital:
My Thursday started out a little late. I should have prepared my makeup kit the night before, but I was so tired I figured I'd do it in the morning. Little did I know nothing could've prepared me for my morning. I was excited to go to Johns Hopkins for the first time and volunteer with Flashes of Hope again, an organization I've worked with for over a year. Running late, all I focused on was not crying in front of the children. I find parking after getting lost, and I think to myself, "Okay, the worst part's over - I'm finally here". WRONG!
Today's going great, I think to myself. As we're waiting for the next appointment, chatting about traveling and giggling about the very "active" little girl from earlier, the hospital representative gets a page. There's been a shooting in the hospital and we're on high security alert. Hopkins is a humongous hospital, and she mentions the lobby, so I'm not TOO concerned about safety. The next gazillion texts she receives started to freak us all out.
We found out that the shooting took place in the building next to ours, and the shooter was still on the loose. The four of us (the program director, the photographer, the hospital representative and myself) began to create all types of scenarios to try and rationalize what could possibly be going on. It was a unanimous conclusion that since the hospital was in a neighborhood known for drug-related crimes (I mean, it is Baltimore, people) the shooting was drug-related and a form of retaliation. Little did we know, it had nothing to do with the wonderful citizens of East Baltimore.
We closed the door, locked it and looked out the window at the police helicopter and unmarked cars racing up the street. We looked around the room and assessed our environment - we had water, pretzels, a bible, internet service and four cell phones. We were fine. I felt safe. We got further information that the shooter has been apprehended - then we hear he is not.
For the next hour, we continued to be misinformed. It was draining. I began to receive phone calls and text messages from my family about my safety; I lied and told them I was fine and not afraid at all. Inside I was terrified, partly because I had no clue what was going on outside of our locked room, not to mention I have the imagination of a 7 year old. I'd already played out the entire day in my head.
We received word that a doctor was shot by an enraged man, who was upset about the care his mother was receiving at the hospital. Johns Hopkins, one of the most-respected hospitals in the country? People come all the way from as far as Russia to receive care here! BEN CARSON WORKS HERE FOR GOODNESS SAKES!
However, we all know that men don't play when it comes to their Mommas. Next we hear that the police had the suspect apprehended only to learn that was far from true. I literally began to feel as if I was on a seesaw! I just wanted to LEAVE, and they wouldn't let us go anywhere. Somehow our last family was able to make it into the building, this ended up being a Godsend to take our minds off of what was taking place outside of our door.
Our last family was a family of eight (three of the kids were not there, so really 5). An American family who had adopted five young Chinese girls with disabilities. Those little girls brightened the entire room with their smiles and were all very excited to get makeup done for their photos. For my last hour there at Hopkins, I forgot about the lockdown and that I had spent an extra two hours there.
I finally got word that we could leave, and I almost RAN out of the hospital. I had never been to Hopkins, and I don't think that was a good way to start our relationship. Needless to say, I don't plan on going back anytime soon!