Filed under: Weekly Inspiration

I AM one with of Life. I and "all-that-lives" share a common Source which is God, the Author, Creator and Sustainer of life. The life-giving energy within me is the same as that is in every life form be it human (friend or foe), beast, plant or micro-organism. Each life is a unique and purposeful creation of the Creator. Today, enlightened with this higher understanding of life-unity, I am committed to unconditionally respecting life in all of its expressions whether I comprehend each purpose of not!. To honor life is to honor God. And so I will. Amen.
You are ONE with Life, ONE with God,
Barry Johnson
Previously: With God I AM Victorius
Barry Johnson is an businessman, motivational speaker and management consultant. He holds a B.S. degree from Yale and an MBA degree from Harvard. You can follow him at and email him at