Filed under: Gossip

Apparently, Sarkisian isn't exactly grateful to Reggie Bush for giving him his big break. He recently said that Reggie Bush was "acting like an idiot" for giving back his Heisman Trophy last week. Sarkisian might want to sit down and shut up for a second, so I can tell him just how silly he looks.
I am not sure if Sarkisian has a bone to pick with Bush, but it appears that he does. But his disdain for Reggie Bush is yet another reminder of how everyone at USC seemed to have no problem profiting from Bush's productivity on the field, but were quick to dismiss him when things went wrong. I quietly wonder just how much Sarkisian knew about Bush's side payments and how hard he worked to protest anything that might have kept Reggie from keeping his eligibility. The shadow of shame cast on Reggie Bush after the Heisman scandal extends directly to anyone associated with the USC program during Bush's time on the field. All the while, I'm one to argue that there is nothing wrong with a million dollar asset like Reggie Bush getting a piece of the money he's making for everyone else.
What's also interesting is that beyond the millions made by the NCAA from Reggie Bush's ability, Sarkisian and other coaches saw themselves getting multi-million dollar opportunities on the back of Reggie Bush. Because of the stellar season USC had due to Bush's presence, many USC coaches were getting offers from NFL teams, and I'm sure the school saw a substantial boost in revenue from jersey sales, ticket sales, and revenue from television deals.
While Sarkisian might consider Reggie Bush the idiot for giving back his Heisman, I would imagine that one could define an idiot to be a coach who builds his career off of the demise of young men and then turns around and insults them. His comment was not only one of low class, but it was also embarrassing to the already humiliated football program at The University of Washington. Reggie Bush's career will continue, but with sequential records of 5 - 7 and 1 - 2, I'm sure Sarkisian's days are numbered at Washington. So, who's the idiot now?