Filed under: Football

Some might say that Randy Moss has quite a few things to gripe about. He's one of the top three wide receivers in the league, if not the best. He's a major part of the reason that Tom Brady has emerged as the stellar quarterback that he is. He's been a consistent, quiet and dedicated worker on the field and off. So, some could say that he deserves a bit more respect.
Another reason that Moss might have for griping is the seeming double standard between he and Tom Brady. While Moss is venting on the sidelines, hoping for a new deal, Tom Brady just signed a three-year, $58 million contract extension. It appears that being the golden boy pays much better than just being another wide receiver, running back or anything else. Isn't this the same old story for the black athlete?
But putting all this aside, Moss' recent admission that he's growing disgruntled with the Patriots says a great deal about where he is mentally. At this point, he appears ready to erupt. Missing practice may likely be a first step in a series of public tantrums Moss might throw over the next several weeks. While the show is certainly going to be interesting, I am hopeful that he doesn't ruin all of the good reputation capital he's earned over the past couple of years.
One thing that Randy Moss has to face is the fact that he's no longer the amazing young athlete he was before. He is 33-years old this year, and retirement is just around the corner. All throughout human history, in the battle between man and Father Time, Father Time has always emerged as the winner. So, I am hopeful that Randy has been saving his money and planning out his future, for it won't be long before the Patriots say goodbye.