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Joyner's foundation has donated quite a bit of money to HBCUs. He is also a proud advocate for these campuses, which have struggled a great deal during the recent recession. Tapping into additional revenue provided through online programs would provide a much needed boost for many black colleges and universities.
One of the things that Joyner and his team have noticed is that quite a few traditional institutions typically hoard African American students. Joyner's son, Thomas Jr., has stepped down as president of the Tom Joyner Foundation in order to become president of HBCUsOnline, the new company created for the venture.
Joyner and his son are both critical of for-profit universities, arguing that they are the wrong choice for African Americans. About 43 percent of students at for-profit universities are African American, creating a ripe market for a black-owned company to pursue. It was only a matter of time before someone of Joyner's stature decided to make the move.
The details of the venture are set to be released during a White House conference on HBCUs. One thing that Joyner possesses that others do not is the wide reach of his radio show, which he and his team think will make all the difference. The company will begin operations in January. Dr. Benjamin Chavis, who also works with HBCUs to help them establish online programs, says he's looking forward to Joyner joining the industry.
"Our company wants the best for HBCU's," he said, and "there's a lot of room in the marketplace."
I certainly appreciate the spirit behind Tom Joyner's commitment to HBCUs. I also think that he's perfect for this kind of venture. But we all know that when it comes to pulling off something of this magnitude, the proof is in the potato salad. The market for online education is growing by leaps and bounds, and it makes perfect sense for African Americans to own a piece of it. It also makes sense for us to support our HBCUs and obtain as much education as possible. The Internet is the place to be, and there really is no way around it.
In my book, "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about College," I make it completely clear that universities are places to get certifications, but not the only place where you can get knowledge. The greatest university in the history of the world is called "," meaning that knowledge is always out there if you want to pursue. Although Tom Joyner and I don't see eye-to-eye on everything, one area in which we are in agreement is on the importance of strengthening your mind.