Filed under: Daily Drama
'The Daily Show w Jon Stewart': Al Sharpton Slams Herman CainJon Stewart asked Civil rights leader turned TV host, Al Sharpton if civil rights groups were excited that two black presidential candidates could possible face each other at the polls. Wicked smooth tongue Al Sharpton retorted with, "People that side that guys like me were only supporting Obama because he was black. Well Cain is southern black, no interracial parents, and I wouldn't support Cain if he was running against a white guy." Jon Stewart laughs and seemed relieved. Al Sharpton has been a consistent political of liberal ideas so it should be no surprise that he chooses ideas over race. There are narrow-minded people that believe the black race is a monolithic group that votes as a block. This notion is not true. Yes it can be said that most black people are liberal or more accurately vote democratic but the reason for that can be traced back to the sixties. The Democratic party helped shepherd the Civil Rghts Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Democratic party paid a political price for that as well. To be current it is also the Republican party that is seeking to strip away many of the provisions in the Voters Rights Act. All people are more likely to vote for things beneficial to their personal interest.,
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Mon-Thurs, 11PM on COM