Filed under: Daily Drama
'Washington Post GOP Debate': Herman Cain Blasts Back at Ron PaulBloomberg Television and The Washington Post, in partnership with WBIN-TV and host Dartmouth College, hosted the 2012 campaign that was to focus on the economy, debt, deficits, taxes, trade and jobs.
Ron Paul (Rep.) Texas, went after Herman Cain. "Mr. Cain, in the past you have been rather critical of any of us who would want to audit the Fed. You have said ... that we were ignorant and that we didn't know what we are doing, and When Ron Paul finished Herman Cain was ready for him. Cain retorted with, "You have misquoted me". "I did not call any of your people ignorant. I don't know where that came from," he said. Then a riled up Herman Cain admonished the gray haired representative. "You've gotta be careful of the stuff you get off the Internet" Cain said.
Ron Paul went after him because Paul's supporters want to get rid of the Federal Reserve altogether. Herman Cain was a former chairman of the board of directors of the Kansas City Federal Reserve, the enemy. Cain did not lose an opportunity to plug his main plan, and his "top priority - 9-9-9.",
Washington Post GOP Debate, Tuesday, 4PM on Bloomberg TV