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From The Grio:
Some may have called Dr. Andy Kirschner of Bala Cynwyd crazy last summer for putting his faith in a 9-year-old self-taught computer wiz.
Kirschner handed a stack of video discs and a piece of paper with a plan to 9-year-old Jesse Friedman asking him to develop a new iPad application promoting techniques for back and neck care, according to a press release.
In early March, Kirschner's faith in Friedman was justified when, according to a press release, Back Together Interactive launched in the iTunes store.
The application features over 90 minutes of video detailing techniques that couples and partners can use on each other to reduce or eliminate neck and back pain, the release states.
Friedman used several programs including: Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Dreamweaver, Handbrake, and Phonegap to create the application. In a statement, the wiz kid said, "The app was really fun to produce."
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