Filed under: Women's Health, Fitness, Weekly Inspiration

But have you tried God? Yes, God.
Fitness guru Donna Richardson Joyner finds that people tend to stick with their exercise routine longer when it's faith-based. "At the end of the day we will waive on a lot of things in our life but won't waive on our faith," says Richardson Joyner, creator of the 'Body Gospel' workout DVD and member of the President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN).
Spiritually-based fitness goals provide a foundation for people to change their mindset and when their minds are changed, their thoughts and actions will follow, she explains. It's about overall wellness. It's not about creating an out to blame God if the program fails. Richardson Joyner is very clear about one thing: Faith without works is dead.
"You have to put your faith to work. You have to take action, fight for it. It's like anything else in your life. Take the steps."
It also comes down to making your health a priority.
We've all heard the you-have-money-for- (fill in the blank)-but-don't-invest-in-your-health speech. But she cautions: "If you don't make a small investment in your health now, you're going to spend a whole lot of money later because of that doctor bill or that hospital bill."
To help you start 2011 off with bang, Richardson Joyner has compiled nine actionable steps that will assist you in accomplishing your fitness goals this year.

1. Have the desire to change. You have to want to change more than you want to stay the same. Period. Once you decide to start a new exercise program, stay committed to that program.
2. Admit your present condition and create an action plan. Most people are in denial and "try to fit into that dress when that dress is two sizes smaller," Richardson Joyner says. Instead, accept where you are and develop a plan and vision for yourself otherwise you can't accomplish your goal.
3. Set new goals: short term and long term. Fitness experts say set SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Just saying 'I want to lose weight this year' isn't a smart goal because it's not specific. "You didn't even say how many pounds, you didn't say how long you're going to take to lose that weight," Richardson Joyner points out. If you're not completing your goals, maybe you aren't being realistic. Tweak them. Don't quit!
4. Be committed & be productive. You can talk about it but if you aren't committed fulltime, you aren't going to achieve your goals. Remember, this is a lifestyle journey so it's important for you to plant good seeds of health and let them take root.
5. Stay Motivated. Load your iPod with uplifting music or workout with a BFF to keep you inspired about exercising. "If you're not motivated you're not going to stay with it," Richardson Joyner warns. Need more motivation? Consider creating a vision board to help reinforce your fitness goals.
6. Combine healthy eating with physical activity. Eating healthy low-calorie meals and burning more calories through exercise is the best way to lose weight.
7. Challenge yourself. It's important to challenge yourself because you'll get bored. The F.I.T. principle says you have to change your frequency, intensity and the time of your workout. Richardson Joyner also adds changing the type of workout you do. "Just by changing it, that will keep you motivated and add extra challenge," she says.
8. Be patient. You didn't get to your current size overnight so don't expect to shed those pounds in one day. Avoid comparing yourself to others because you don't know what they did to get their physique. "All you see is the outcome," Richardson Joyner says.
9. Love yourself no matter where you are. It may sound hokey, but it's extremely important to accept where you are. Start by nourishing yourself and knowing that your decision to improve your body is a step in the right direction. "Look in the mirror and say 'I love myself.' And know, what you don't like, you can change," Richardson Joyner says.
What are your workout secrets? Check out a sample of the 'Body Gospel' workout below!