Filed under: Weekly Inspiration

Today I affirm that nothing and no one can disturb the calm peace of my soul. I am connected to God's Peace, the only True Peace, at all times and in all places. Regardless of what is transpiring in the outer realm of my life, I only need turn within, to the constant dwelling place of God in me to find the Peace that surpasses all understanding and all earthly conditions. From this Peace, God's Peace, I am able to endure, overcome or transform any chaos i encounter in my experiences this very day. I am a peaceful, faithful expression of the Creator. And so it is and ever will be. Amen.
Dear Spirit Family:
In Truth, we understand that change is not only constant, it is also good and certainly of God. It opens the way for new experiences, unseen expressions of prosperity and endless possibilities for growth and expansion. Very soon, my daily affirmation postings here will cease, as Black Voices implements a new content strategy. I am grateful for the opportunity Black Voice provided over the last year for me to be a beacon of light for people committed to positive, affirmative living and being. If you desire to continue to receive affirmations beyond the termination of these postings, feel free to contact me at Blessings forever. Barry
Peace and Faith to you today,
Barry Johnson
Previously: Healed
Barry Johnson is an businessman, motivational speaker and management consultant. He holds a B.S. degree from Yale and an MBA degree from Harvard. You can follow him at and email him at