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The pastor on the attack is Bishop Prophet H. Walker (pictured above) of the True Light Pentecostal Church in Spartanburg, South Carolina. The pastor has become vocal in light of the allegations against Eddie Long, and says he wants to set the record straight.
"He has no right to assume the office of pastor of any Christian church," Walker said. "A pastor should be above reproach."
Walker has stated that he does not support homosexuality. He says that the rally will "support the integrity and character of the Christian faith."
When I heard about the protest being held by Bishop Walker, I wasn't sure what to think. I suspect that any intelligent person knows that there are going to be some members of the church who don't quite live up to the standards of the bible. Wait, I guess that would be almost everyone, since none of us are perfect. We also know of at least one preacher who might be accused of using the pulpit as an avenue for sexual opportunities (note the story I wrote about Pastor Steven Arnold earlier today).
I can't help but wonder if Bishop Walker is seeking publicity for himself and his church by demanding Eddie Long's resignation. He's not a member of Long's church, he lives in another state, and I wouldn't expect that he has any personal relationship with Long's work other than being a fellow Christian. There is, I must confess, something very un-Christian about Bishop Walker's public challenge to Eddie Long.
As you know, I've written about Bishop Eddie Long quite a bit here on AOL Black Voices. I've also been critical where necessary. But what we must remember is that the trial has not yet occurred and there is likely a second side to this story. Also, as my mind has wandered over Bishop Long's situation, I've had to confront the possibility that those "steamy pictures" taken in Long's bathroom may have just been him showing off his workout routine. Besides the pictures and the stories from the accusers, the other side still has a great deal more to prove.
I am not, for one second, saying that Bishop Eddie Long didn't do the things that he's being accused of having done. Even he never denied the allegations in front of his congregation. Instead, he simply said that he's not a perfect man and that he's going to fight. That doesn't give me, nor most other Americans, much confidence in Bishop Long's side of the story.
One thing that's for certain is that Bishop Walker should not be spending his time on the "I Hate Eddie Long" campaign trail. It honestly seems that the more our religious leaders engage in self-righteous condemnation, the more skeletons they have to hide. Bishop Walker should just stay in South Carolina and keep sharing the word of God. Eddie Long has enough haters to keep him busy.