The Guatemala Syphilis Experiment's Tuskegee Roots? Last week, Secretary of Stare Hillary Rodham Clinton and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius apologized for a diabolical human experiment conducted in Central America 64 years ago and engineered by the U.S. government. (The Root)
Dancing Teacher Accused of Making 200 Sex Tapes with Children A high school dance teacher is accused of having sex with students, some elementary school age, and recording it in over 200 sex tapes. (Hip-Hop Wired)
North Carolina HBCUs Receive $2 Million Broadband Investment The Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) recently announced a grant given directly to North Carolina Central University's School of Law to upgrade broadband service while expanding access to its legal education programs.
(Black Web 2.0)
Natural Remedies for Teeth Whitening Mesdames, as you know, a well-groomed lifestyle is essential to our fabulousness. The level of attention we give to our bodies, minds, and spirits indicate how important we feel about ourselves. Particularly as far as dental health is concerned, improper hygiene can resort to damaged teeth for years to come. (Madame Noire)(Black Web 2.0)