Talk about a mixup! If you call the Feed the Children charity donation number on one of Cinncinati Bengals Chad Ochocinco's cereal boxes, you'll be taken aback. Instead of hearing information about the wide receiver's favorite charity and how to donate, you'll get a sexually enticing "nasty girl" making explicitly risqué suggestions for only $2.99 a minute.
According to Pittsburg-based PLB Sports Inc., the manufacturer of the limited-edition cereals that places celeb-status sports figures and their favorite charities on the boxes, the wrong toll-free prefix somehow wound up on the product. In a press statement that was widely released, the company apologized profusely for the error on Thursday. They plan on rectifying the situation immediately by re-issuing new boxes with the charity's correct contact number.
The Kroger Co., one of the nation's largest retail grocery chains with its headquarters in Cinncinati, has begun to pull the cereal boxes off its shelves due to the glaring mistake. Unfortunately, there were some local stores, though, that had prominently displayed the cereal boxes after the launch a month ago.
Ironically on Wednesday, the former "Dancing with the Stars" sex symbol tweeted:
"Start your day with a lil suga!!!" to all of his Twitter followers.
Just one day later, he followed up on his previous tweet with:
"Awe man im bummed about the cereal number mixup on the cereal, trying to do good and got messed up, of all numbers why that one!!! Sorry"
"For those who were offended by the mixup my deepest apologies but i was only bringing awareness to a charity that im a huge part of, SORRY"
Oh, oh, no, Ochocinco!