In high school, there's always this kid who is funny at first, with his whimsical pranks and witty remarks at unsuspecting teachers.
As the semester wears on, though, you're getting annoyed with this guy, because he still wants to clown and you've got midterms to worry about.
By the end of the school year, everybody hates this dude, because he just doesn't realize what a prick he's become, and when the football team (and in some schools, the cheerleaders) starts mollywhopping his *ss, everybody ignores him and goes to hang out downtown.
This is the metaphorical sequence for so-called conservative activist James O'Keefe (pictured), whose attempt to set up CNN reporter Abbie Bordreau exploded in his face like fake poop on a cherry bomb.
Bordreau was part of a team doing a report on young conservatives. She thought she'd gotten a shot at interviewing O'Keefe. When she went to Maryland to meet with him and his colleague, Izzie Santa, though, Santa revealed that Bordreau was about to be punked.
The plan was to lure her on to a houseboat, where hidden video cameras, champagne and strawberries (a la Isley Brothers), would be waiting for her. O'Keefe was supposed to hit on Bordreau in an attempt to humiliate her and embarass CNN, which along with every other media outlet other than FOX News is supposed to be corrupt and anti-American.
Long story short, Bordreau follows basic ethical rules of journalism and does not get on the boat, even with O'Keefe's goading (the boat also reportedly had things like fuzzy handcuffs and other sex toys). The story gets out all over the media that O'Keefe hates Bordreau, and in essence, his plan to topple the press backfires so badly that the football players and cheerleaders are likely to stomp a mudhole in his *ss sometime before the midterm elections, while the rest of us go downtown to buy a new pair of Jordans.
Now if you'll remember, O'Keefe was the one who set up workers in ACORN offices in several cities dressed as a pimp along with a "prostitute" in order to "expose" corruption in the organization. That ultimately resulted in ACORN closing up shop, despite the number of low-income people it helped with housing. O'Keefe also tried to frame Louisiana lawmaker Mary Landrieu by attempting to wiretap her office. He got arrested and put on probation for that one.
First off, Abbie Bordreau is an attractive woman. O'Keefe's main problem with his prank is that neither Bordreau nor any woman who wasn't picked up in a red-light district would ever lower herself to a pass from him. So I could imagine if she had actually gotten on to the boat, she would have laughed herself into hysteria.
Perhaps instead of trying to win the praise of dickheads like Andrew Breitbart, O'Keefe should actually get a girlfriend so that he'd learn what to do to attract a female. And that is why this one backfired...this dude is simply not believably hot in any fashion. Even as a guy I can say that.
O'Keefe denied the set-up and wrote this convoluted response, saying that he'd never try anything like that.
But, Jimmy Boy, if you learn anything from this episode of your wacky ways, it's that when you're the prankster in high school, you're eventually going to pull one too many that nobody laughs at.
And eventually the joke is on you, and so is the bucket of rotten meat that was supposed to fall on the math teacher. Have fun, because media scrutiny and criticism is far, far worse than the principle's office, detention or even a cheerleader's baton upside your head.